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[McIDAS #WPD-667222]: Fwd: McIDAS 2017 install

Hi Greg,

Since questions like the one below are really mainline support, I drove
your question into our inquiry tracking system...

> I had trouble with netcdf during the make process for mcidas2017.
> The makelog shows the following error:
> configure: error: Can't find or link to the z library. Turn off netCDF-4
> and      opendap with --disable-netcdf-4 --disable-dap, or see
> config.log for errors.
> configure/home/mcidas/mcidas2017/netcdf:FAILED
> Any advice?

I just went through the same thing with another user, but he was trying
to build the current Unidata v2016 release, not v2017.

Since the build should rely on the zlib distribution that is contained in
the Unidata McIDAS distribution, it suggests to me that you did not follow
the instructions for setting up the 'mcidas' account contained in:

Unidata McIDAS-X User's Guide

Preparing the mcidas Account


- did you follow the instructions that direct one to source the 
  'mcidas' environment file before attempting a build?

  If not, please follow the instructions in the page above and retry the bulid
  from scratch:

  <as 'mcidas'>
  -- source the shell-specific 'mcidas' environment file
  cd ~mcidas/mcidas2017/src
  make clobber

  Now, if you did source the environment file and the build still failed
  it must mean that the zlib and zlib-devel packages need to be installed.
  This should _not_ be the case however, so I really need to know which
  approach works so I can adjust the distribution accordingly.


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: WPD-667222
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
NOTE: All email exchanges with Unidata User Support are recorded in the Unidata 
inquiry tracking system and then made publicly available through the web.  If 
you do not want to have your interactions made available in this way, you must 
let us know in each email you send to us.