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[Miscellaneous #UFF-250801]: GOES east & west geotiff files

Hi Frank,

> Greetings...this is Frank at UM.  In response to some of your questions and
> comments.....
> I am currently running LDM on a linux box here in our department to acquire
> data for the classes that I teach.

Very good.  I assume that your machine is ldm.engin.umich.edu, true?

> Here is the line that I have in my ldmd.conf
> file for MCIDAS:
> request MCIDAS ".*" idd.unidata.ucar.edu

Very good, you should be getting all of the images that are being
distributed in the IDD UNIWISC (aka MCIDAS) data stream. 

> As for my decoder statements in my pqact.conf file, I have included the
> MCIDAS relevant statements in the attached text file.

OK, the first, catchall action insures that you are processing all
of the images in the datastream and storing the images in the
~ldm/data/mcidas hierarchy.  The other, GEMPAK-focused actions, however,
are missing processing of several, what I consider to be very valuable,
sets of images:

- GOES-East/West composites
- Global WV and IR composites (the IR composites are what Derek needs/wants)
- Arctic and Antarctic composites

We can address these as a separate issue a bit later if you like.

> If there is a
> particular statement (or statements) that I need to add to my file in
> order to process the data that Derek needs, please let me know what
> it is and I can add it in.

Yes.  I need to sit down and write a shell script that will run McIDAS
commands to convert the Global IR images into GeoTiffs that Derek needs.
I wanted to be able to get to this before now, but we yesterday, today
and tomorrow are pretty well consumed by Unidata governing committee
meetings that are occurring here in Boulder.  I will try to break away
sometime today (but this time target may have to slip) to write the
script and create the needed LDM pattern-action file action that
will run the script upon receipt of the Global IR composites.

> Thanks!!

No worries.

More later...


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(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: UFF-250801
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed