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[McIDAS #RYQ-556281]: nv1sae

Hi Julia,

> Thank you very much.

No worries.

> Can you please give me more hints?

CIMSS products like CAPE, CTP, LI, etc. are typically the results of
combinations of multiple sounder and/or imager channels.  Exactly what
they are doing is not something that I can answer.  My comment was that
the tool they are using is McIDAS, and it is likely that they are
doing the image combinations using the IMGOPER command.

> I am a registered
> user of McIDAS, and have already compiled and installed McIDAS.

Very good.

> Where are
> those modules?

The modules I was/am referring to are normal McIDAS commands like IMGOPER,

> For example, if I want to get surface albedo(ALB) or total
> precipitable water(TPW) from a McIDAS area file, what module should I use?

It is not as though you just run a simple command and get any of the products
you want.  For instance, consider the explanation from the CIMSS webpage
that shows examples of CTP products:


  Remapped GOES-10 Cloud Top Pressure

  Cloud top pressure (CTP) is derived from GOES-10 Sounder radiance information 
  at hourly intervals. Calculations, using the CO2 Absorption Technique, are 
made at each
  field of view. The image is then color enhanced to display 50 hPa intervals 
where clouds
  have been identified. Due to the low-level atmospheric signal being dominated 
by surface
  emissions, this technique is less reliable for near surface clouds. 

Given your interest, it may be best to contact the authors of the techniques 
used to
create the products you are interested in directly.  As a prelude to this, 
however, I
recommend that you send a note to the address@hidden email list and ask
the members of the list if they can point you to good tutorials that explain how
to create the various products (many of the authors for the techniques you will
be interested in are subscribed to the address@hidden list).

Please remember that your email address must be subscribed to any 
email list before you can post to that list.  I see that 'address@hidden' is
subscribed to address@hidden, but I also see that the email addresses
used in inquiries sent to us are:


So, you might be required to subscribe one or both of these emails before you
will be allowed to post to the mcidas-x list.


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: RYQ-556281
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed