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RE: 20040809: MSG-1 through ADDE (cont.)
- Subject: RE: 20040809: MSG-1 through ADDE (cont.)
- Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2004 10:22:21 +0200
- Return-receipt-to: "Valentijn Venus" <address@hidden>
Hi Miguel,
Can you please send me:
-Satellite zenith/azimuth angle McIDAS AREA files
-Example MSG-1 scene HRV Channel 12 (decompressed) in Native format (see
ftp upload details)
-Link to EUMETSAT software to decompress the wavelet tranformed files
-MSG-1 ADDE server files (calibr. and navig.)
Thanks, Valentijn
-----Original Message-----
From: Valentijn Venus
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2004 5:02 PM
To: Unidata Support
Cc: address@hidden
Subject: RE: 20040809: MSG-1 through ADDE (cont.)
So my questions are:
-Do you observe the same problem with the "Work" and "Doesn't work"
MSG-1 datasets on your McIDAS system?
-Are other developers of McIDAS (e.g. those who worked on the MSG part)
aware of the problem, and possibly willing to find a solution?
-If negative, would you be willing to adjust the MSGX bit to get it to
work for the "Doesn't work" set of example data?
-----Original Message-----
From: Valentijn Venus
Sent: Tue 8/10/2004 16:49
To: Unidata Support
Cc: address@hidden
Subject: RE: 20040809: MSG-1 through ADDE (cont.)
Hi Tom,
i believe i've found the problem. The format we receieve is XRIT alright
(so the MSGT argument should work), but along the way EUMETCAST has made
a change in the segmentation. E.g. the HRV 11134 segments were devided
over 174 files, whereas the more recent segmentation sceme devides them
over only 24 files. You can download corresponding sets of example data
at the following adresses
http://oiswww.eumetsat.org/WEBOPS/msg_images/msg1_hrit_c12.tar.bz2 (7.3
mb) Doesn't work:
.bz2 (40.3 mb)
The McIDAS commands below seem to work with the "Works" dataset:
DIRFILE=/home/mcidas/data/msg/*/*/*/H*{HRV,EPI,PRO}* "High resolution
visible channel (band 12).
DIRFILE=/home/mcidas/data/msg/*/*/*/H*MSG1*{VIS,IR,WV,EPI,PRO}* "High
resolution visible and infrared channel (bands 1-11).
INFO=/home/mcidas/data/msg/2004/08/08/H*MSG1*ADMIN* "METEOSAT-8
Administration Message.
Cheers! Valentijn
-----Original Message-----
From: Unidata Support [mailto:address@hidden]
Sent: Mon 8/9/2004 22:09
To: Valentijn Venus
Cc: address@hidden
Subject: 20040809: MSG-1 through ADDE (cont.)
>From: "Valentijn Venus" <address@hidden>
>Organization: ?
>Keywords: 200408050006.i7506ZaW006360 McIDAS MSG
Hi Valentijn,
Well, after three abstracts and a LOT of other stuff, I finally have
time to get to your inquiry. Sorry for the wait...
>another message to keep you up-to-date on my latest developments. at
>the moment the ADDE server is working well using a sample of MSG-1
>images provided by EUMETSAT.
Which format are you using? The McIDAS-X distribution supports two
different file types for MSG data through two different servers:
msgtadir.cp -- XRIT
msgtaget.cp -- XRIT
msgxadir.cp -- ?? (native?)
msgxaget.cp -- ?? (native?)
>The HRV data (band 12) are unencrypted and in Native format, and
>2003/12/12 13.30 consists of 176 segmented files (excl. PRO and PERI
>A similair scene as we receive it contain only 24 (much bigger)
>segments (filenaming looks similair), and when i try to serve this
>McIDAS tells me tere are no bands/data in the group.
>Have you ever encountered this problem?
No, I havn't. I must add that I have not played around with the MSG
data all that much, so my not having experienced the problem you are
seeing means little or nothing.
>From: "Valentijn Venus" <address@hidden>
>Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2004 23:46:32 +0200
>Btw, how is McIDAS compiling in 64-bit for an AMD64 system?
I built McIDAS on our dual Opteron 64-bit machine back in late
June/early July and had no problems that I can recall. We have not keep
this build around for testing since we have been experimenting with
different OSes on the box (Fedora Core 1 for 64 bit; FreeBSD 5.2).
>From: Valentijn Venus
>Sent: Wed 8/4/2004 23:36
>If i understood well the 2004 McIDAS upgrade will read the raw,
>transmitted METEOSAT 8 files. These we receive from EUMETSAT by a
>satellite dish mounted on the top of our roof.
Is this through EUMETCAST?
>The server runs on a Windows XP OS and stores the segmented files
>received through a DVB system on a shared drive.
OK. I have had two meeting with Volker Gartner, Head of EUMETSAT User
Services, about setting up an ADDE server for the METEOSAT data at
EUMETSAT. The idea is to get the folks at EUMETSAT using remote access
methods first, then get the member state's researchers interested, and
then see if the service could be opened up. There are many steps and
pitfalls between the first effort and the goal, but I am hopeful that we
can make progress.
>since i
>won't be able to participate in this years Workshop, i'm looking for
>some documentation/guidance on how to set up an ADDE server for MSG-1
>for internal research/educational use.
I think another of your emails shows that you got past this point even
though your earlier email showed a bit of a misunderstanding:
>>Just added a couple of EUMESAT MSG-1 images using:
OK, this creates the dataset with group name MSG and descriptor HRV.
>>McIDAS tells me the command completed succesfully. The i added the
>>ADDE to the client routing table using:
Two things:
- if you created the dataset locally, then you don't have to run DATALOC
to locate it -- unless -- you want to access it through the remote
ADDE server interface
- since the dataset you created has group name MSG, the DATALOC
command would be:
This also assumes that the fully qualified hostname of the ADDE
server machine is ADDESERVER.ITC.NL.
>>Then i tried to display the data using:
The first thing to do is verify that the ADDE group name is recognized
by the server:
If these return nothing, then you are asking for the wrong ADDE dataset
>I could send you some sample files if that helps...
At some point, I wouldn't mind getting sets of example data that works
and doesn't work so I can better understand the formats.
>I also came across a message in the archive that mentioned a way to
>calculate satellite and sun angles for METEOSAT data (by Miguel Angel).
>I would very much appreciate it for some radiative transfer
Yes. I believe that he sent along the program in his email. If he
didn't, it might be best to contact him directly to get his latest
version of the code.
>>Also an updated DATALOC listing (ADDELIST.TXT) would be very welcome.
What would be more useful is the URL for the list of Publically
Accessible ADDE servers:
Sending you the contents of ADDESITE.TXT would not give you a complete
listing of what servers are out there.
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Dear Valentijn and Tom
At INM, the METEOSAT-8 (MSG-1) is operated with the McIDAS software.
The EUMETCAST channel of the MSG is received using a PC with the
Tellique software and the files are decompressed and sent to a SUN
worsktation using another PC with VCS software. The HRIT native files
are served using an INM secondary ADDE server that use the MSGT
calibration and navigation modules. I think that this specific MSGT
calibration and navigation has been incorporated to the McIDAS2004
version (but I am not sure). The MSGT calibration and navigation are not
the MSGX default cal. and nav. modules for MSG in previous versions.
In order to calculate sun angles and satellite zenith angles, I use now
for MSG the temporary files of SAFNWC software packages. This software
package has been developed in the framework EUMETSAT SAF policy. In
Autum EUMETSAT will release the first operational version (SAFNWC MSG
v1.1) to the national meteorological services members of EUMETSAT
(http://nwcsaf.inm.es). At INM we also operate the SAFNWC products (on
HDF-5 files) with McIDAS software using another secondary ADDE server.
Miguel A. Martinez
Dr. Miguel A. Martinez Rubio
Jefe Unidad Satelites. Servicio de Teledeteccion
Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia (I.N.M.). Madrid. SPAIN
e-mail: address@hidden Tfno: +34 91 5819 662
FN:Valentijn Venus
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