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20040504: Banging my head on a McIDAS problem (cont.)

>From: Gilbert Sebenste <address@hidden>
>Organization: NIU
>Keywords: 200405041740.i44HeptK003918 McIDAS ADDE


re: what does the output in the Text and Command window say

>"Image data server unable to resolve this dataset: GOESEAST/WH-1KVIS"

Ah Ha!  The problem is that you have not setup your McIDAS session
to know where to find the GOESEAST dataset.  This is easily done
from the MCGUI:

- click on the ADDE Client Routing Config button (just to the right
  of the button with the big, red Z

- click on the IMAGE tab

- click on the button to the right of the GOESEAST dataset

You should see two options there:  LOCAL-DATA and UNIDATA2.SSEC.WISC.EDU;
as an option, simply type it into the entry box.  After selecting or
typing, click on the 'Update and Exit' button at the bottom of the
widget.  You should now be ready to roll.

re: number of frames
>Yep, I have 18 frames. Should be good to go...

OK, you are ready now.

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