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20000124: McIDAS on SolX86 install problem (cont.)

>From: "Thomas L. Mote" <address@hidden>
>Organization: University of Georgia
>Keywords: 200001221501.IAA18809 McIDAS-X Solarisx86 install GEMPAK


>Thanks, Tom. It is building fine right now, but hasn't yet 
>finished. So far there have been no problems. 

OK, sounds good.

>I do have another question.
>I have noticed on McIDAS surface plots that when 
>temperatures are missing, they all plot the same value. The 
>actual value that is plotted seems to change by the day. A 
>week or so ago, "60" was always plot where temps were 
>missing. Today it is plotting "75". (There was 75 plotted 
>at a nearby station, and I know it wasn't the actual 
>temperature. We were having light snow -- in Georgia! -- at 
>the same time. Several other stations that were missing 
>other surface data also had 75 plotted for temperature.) 
>Any idea what the reason for this is?

Sounds like there is a problem either in the SCHEMA that is being used
by the XCD decoder, or there is a problem with the decoder itself.  Don
and I just chatted about this and had no ready explanation.  I would suggest
the following, however:

o stop the LDM
o delete today's surface MDXX file
o delete today's .XCD file (spool file containing all of the textual data
  for a single day)
o restart the LDM (and hence the MDXX decoders


Please let me know the results of the actions above.

>P.S. I should mention I was doing the plots through the 
>McIDAS GUI, which is quite nice. I'm looking forward to 
>seeing it when it is completed.

Me too!  I have been waiting for SSEC to finish several ADDE routines so
I can migrate the GUI to full ADDE use.  At this point a user will be
able to look at data from not only their own site, but also from any
of a number of cooperating ADDE sites around the country.  Look for
an upcoming announcement where I will canvas my ADDE sites and ask for
their permission to add their site into a list of ADDE data providers.
