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20000122: McIDAS on SolX86 install problem

>From: "Thomas L. Mote" <address@hidden>
>Organization: University of Georgia
>Keywords: 200001221501.IAA18809 McIDAS-X Solarisx86 install GEMPAK


I took you up on your offer to logon to your system.  I made a change
to the user 'mcidas's .cshrc file which I describe below.

>I know you guys must be tired of hearing from me, but we 
>have resolved all of the previous problems.
>I now have the newest versions of GEMPAK and McIDAS working 
>properly on my Sun boxes. I added a new disk and even 
>started decoding the GRIB data using McIDAS XCD. I have 10 
>Solaris x86 2.7 boxes in my student lab. I have accounts 
>made and GEMPAK now working properly on them, thanks to a 
>little help from Steve. The last thing I need to do is get 
>McIDAS working on these lab machines. I am having problems 
>building McIDAS.
>Here's what I have done:
>1. Downloaded McIDAS src to x86 box in mcidas account
>2. Installed gcc 2.8.1 (from the sunfreeware site) in 
>3. Installed make (from same site) in /usr/local
>4. Installed perl (from same site) in /usr/local
>5. Installed tk/tcl (from same site) in /usr/local
>6. Downloded the f2c files from your site. Put f2c in 
>/usr/local/bin (in path) and made it global executable. Put 
>libf2c.a in /usr/local/lib and made global executable. Put 
>f2c.h in /usr/local/include.
>7. Added /usr/local/lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
>8. Changed the VENDOR in ~mcidas/mcidas7.6/src/makefile as 
>you said:
>  #VENDOR                 = -vendor
>  VENDOR          =
>9. setenv McINST_ROOT /unidata/home/mcidas
>10. make mcx
>Notice I had a problem with tclcomp.sh. I looked at 
>the e-mail archive and found this problem occurred when CC 
>environment variable was not set properly. 
>11. make clobber (and did a make distclean in tcl/unix and 
>12. setenv CC /usr/local/bin/gcc
>13. Just to be safe, made a link from /usr/local/bin/cc to 
>14. make mcx
>Now I am getting a problem...
>delaware% make mcx
>rm -f cal_init; cp cal_init.sh cal_init; chmod 755 cal_init
>rm -f disable_mcidas_gui; cp disable_mcidas_gui.sh disable_mcidas_gui; chmod 7
> 55
> disable_mcidas_gui
>rm -f enable_mcidas_gui; cp enable_mcidas_gui.sh enable_mcidas_gui; chmod 755 
> en
>rm -f fx; cp fx.sh fx; chmod 755 fx
>rm -f mcidas; cp mcidas.sh mcidas; chmod 755 mcidas
>rm -f mcidasx; cp mcidasx.sh mcidasx; chmod 755 mcidasx
>rm -f mcservsh
>Updating mcservsh...
>chmod 755 mcservsh                     
>rm -f mcar; cp mcar.sh mcar; chmod 755 mcar
>rm -f mccomp; cp mccomp.sh mccomp; chmod 755 mccomp
>rm -f tclcomp
>sh tclcomp.sh /unidata/home/mcidas/tcl ../tcl ../tk tclcomp
>chmod 755 tclcomp
>rm -f mcfc; cp mcfc.sh mcfc; chmod 755 mcfc
>rm -f mcln; cp mcln.sh mcln; chmod 755 mcln
>rm -f mclog; cp mclog.sh mclog; chmod 755 mclog
>rm -f nav_init; cp nav_init.sh nav_init; chmod 755 nav_init
>rm -f xrefit; cp xrefit.sh xrefit; chmod 755 xrefit
>./mclog: Setting: not found
>Couldn't find 'echo' command
>make: *** [_all0] Error 1
>Checked the environment variables again, to be sure:
>delaware% echo $CC $McINST_ROOT
>/usr/local/bin/gcc /unidata/home/mcidas
>Here's the path for mcidas
>delaware% echo $PATH
> as
> /m
> n/
>I did a search in the e-mail archive on mclog and didn't 
>come up with anything.
>I'm stumped. Any help you can provide is greatly 

The changes I made to your .cshrc file area:

o add definition for McINST_ROOT
o changed PATH so that /usr/bin came before /bin
o adde definitions for CC, CPPFLAGS, CFLAGS, FC, FFLAGS
o commented out sourcing of GEMPAK environment file, Gemenviron

The last action was the one that was causing your problems.  What happens
when you do something like 'which echo' (a sequence in
~mcidas/mcidas7.6/src/mclog) is .cshrc gets reread.  The sourcing of
Gemenviron was causing the line:

Setting to decmaps

to be emitted BEFORE the results of the action.  For instance, a:

which echo

would result in:

Setting to decmaps

The logic in the McIDAS build/install scripts traps this output and
looks for echo.  Since it gets the first line, no echo is found and
the script exits.  Without the source of Gemenviron (which is not needed
nor wanted for the 'mcidas' account), all that gets emitted from a
'which echo' is '/usr/bin/echo'.  The build will proceed normally now.


You are welcome.
