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19991013: access to previously sent email

>From: Gilbert Sebenste <address@hidden>
>Organization: NIU
>Keywords: 199910062147.PAA18740 McIDAS-X 7.60


>The email you sent me disappeared into the vaccuum which told me what you
>did when you installed it. COuld you re-send it, please? Thanks!

I'll do something even better: remind you that all of our responses are
available online.  Try the following:

Unidata McIDAS-X HomePage

Select the 'Support archives' link in the left hand side frame.

Enter 'sebenste' as the search key (or any other word/phrase (see Search
Help for details) that is likely to be in the body of the email exchange),
and you will get a list of emails that deal with the search key subject.
You will find our previous exchanges listed in reverse chronological
order with hyperlinks to the original email messages.

This search capability is available for all of the packages that we
distribute and support plus a lot more.
