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19990817: mcida7.6 ...sort of works

>From: address@hidden
>Organization: SMSU
>Keywords: 199908122231.QAA22964 McIDAS-X,-XCD 7.60


>I seem to have mcidas 7.6 installed and running, and
>I seem to get some data...but I guess there's problems
>with XCD?  Images are coming in...after a few tweaks
>I actually get my auto-generated satellite images on
>the web. 

>I believe mcidas and ldm have been alive through 2 hours
>of data feed, and I don't seem to be getting any point
>data MD type files.  What have I forgotten?

Did you remember to:

o copy ~mcidas/bin/xcd_run to ~ldm/decoders (or some other directory in
  'ldm's PATH
o edit the copy of xcd_run to set the environment variables needed for
  McIDAS routines to run
o add the XCD startup line in ~ldm/etc/ldmd.conf:

  exec  "xcd_run MONITOR"

o build XCD (i.e. do a 'make all' instead of a 'make' or 'make mcx'

o install XCD (i.e. do a 'make install.all' instead of a 'make install'
  or 'make install.mcxall'

>Additional question:  without too much background, over the
>years the inclusion of ~mcidas/data and ../workdata have
>caused me confusion, and I propogated some of this confusion
>into my system (I had just read the page on configuring user
>accounts), and I have toggled MCDATA back and forth between
>the two...I now seem to have my STRTABLE screwed up.
>  Does it hurt to erase it...if so, how to recreate?

No, it does not hurt to delete the STRTABLE.  It will be recreated when
the first access is made to it.  You may, however, have to reset
the XCDDATA variable in the string table if you need to rerun XCDDEC.BAT
or LSSERVE.BAT (the local copy of DSSERVE.BAT that you were suppose to

>Where does it go....data or workdata?

STRTABLE should be put into ~mcidas/workdata.  There should not be a copy
of STRTABLE in ~mcidas/data.  If one is there, delete it.

Are you using ~mcidas/data/EXAMPLE.NAM as a template for file REDIRECTions?
If so, then there is a REDIRECTion in it for STRTABLE as "." (current
working directory).  MCDATA is defined to make ~mcidas/workdata the
current working directory for McIDAS applications run out of the 'mcidas'

Did you install the ADDE remote server?
