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19990330: problems with McIDAS/OS2 upgrade

>From: "Bill Gustin" <address@hidden>
>Organization: California University of PA
>Keywords: 199903310326.UAA23526 ROUTE release DMNIDS


>We recently have attempted to ugrade from 7.1 to 7.5.  We had one
>machine acting as an ingestor and another that displayed loops of
>imagery.  I am currently working on the ingesting machine.  We are able
>to receive surface data and most satellite imagery.  However our NIDS
>and satellite composite images have not updated since the 28th.  Window
>4  on this machine does seem to indicate that WSI NIDS data is being
>qued and processes, but apparently not saved to an AREA file.  On the
>ROUTE table the NIDS products are not suspended but the satellite
>composite products.  I assune that the problems with the satrellite
>composites may be solved if they REL command is used.  However, I am at
>a loss to decide what to do about the NIDS.  We are having SKYWARN
>training on Wednesday night so I would like to have this working soon.
>Any ideas?

For the composites, you just need to do the ROUTE REL.  You can
release individual products by specifying the respective codes
(e.g. ROUTE REL N1 N2 ....).  You should only release those products
you want to create and use.

For the NIDS data, you just need to set the decoder active.  If you


you will see it is inactive now:

Processing Data Monitor: DMNIDS       is inactive
Decoder       Status      Configuration File
NIDS          Active      NIDSDEC.CFG


To activate the decoder, run:


see the "Running XCDSETUP and additional configuration steps":


for more details on this.  

Also, it appears that you have not set up scouring on osric yet.
Follow the instructions under "Add a scheduler entry to scour old data."
in the document listed above to set up data scouring.  Otherwise, you
risk the chance of filling up your disk soon.

Looks like you are almost there!

Don Murray