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> >To: address@hidden
> >From: address@hidden
> >Subject: ldm log messages
> >Organization: UCAR/Unidata

The above message contained the following:

> FYI,  I noticed that in our ldmd.log file we occasionally find reports
> which report LST rather than UTC.  Below is one example.

> Apr 04 14:56:24 inflow.eas.slu.edu stokes[6139]: NOTICE:
> Apr  4 08:56:24 inflow.eas.slu.edu         requester6.c:178: Connection to 
> upstream LDM closed
> Apr 04 14:56:54 inflow.eas.slu.edu stokes[6139]: Desired product class: 
> 20030404145532.453 TS_ENDT {{NNEXRAD,  "/p...(LSX|EAX|SGF)"}}

Thanks.  I know.

The entries in the logfile that have local timestamps are acutally
continuations of the error message started on the previous line. Some
syslog daemons insist on prefixing a timestamp to such entries, even
though I've tried to disable such behavior.

This won't be a problem in the next release because I've eliminated
the use of multiple-lines.

> I just wanted to let you know...(I'm becoming a pest)

You wanted to let me know that you were becoming a pest?  :-)

> Chuck

Steve Emmerson