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[IDV #NVU-263991]: Error when calculating temperature tendency

> Hi,
> I'm trying to calculate this:
> def TEST_LHomega(t, V, omega, theta, theta1, theta2):
> T_over_theta = quo(t, theta)
> dtheta = sub(theta1, theta2)
> p1 = extractPressureFromNWPGrid(theta1)
> p2 = extractPressureFromNWPGrid(theta2)
> dp = sub(p1, p2)
> dthetadp = quo(dtheta,dp)
> return mul(mul(T_over_theta, dthetadp),omega)
> where: t=temperature (K), theta = potential temperature (K), V=true wind
> vector (m/s), omega=vertical pressure velocity (Pa/s).
> The final units should be K/s but I'm getting K*m/(kg*s^2), it seems that
> the units from the omega field are not reported correctly. How can I fix it?
> Thank you,
> Paula

If only the unit of omega field incorrected, you can use the newUnit(..) to set 
correct unit. Example: newUnit(grid, "topo", "m")


Ticket Details
Ticket ID: NVU-263991
Department: Support IDV
Priority: High
Status: Open
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