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[IDV #HFX-641170]: Theta-e from surface data, a formula with 3 arguments

> Yuan, I am making an official support ticket for this, for the record. Thanks 
> in advance.
> I want to make a near-surface theta-e map from 2m temperature and 2m specific 
> humidity and surface pressure.
> Apparently there is no 3-input theta-e(T,q,p) formula.
> Thanks!
> Brian

Hi Brian,

I just added a new function in the derived grid factory to do what you 
described here.

DerivedGridFactory.createEPTFromSpecificHumidity(temperFI, pressFI, spFI)

I tested this on the NAM40 that is the dataset I can find with all three fields 
in 2D.  Please
download the nightly and test your dataset. No guarantee and let me know if you 
see the error.


Ticket Details
Ticket ID: HFX-641170
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Open
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