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[IDV #HLJ-613775]: Truncated longnames in .zidv save menu

> Dear Yuan,
> When I ask to manually select data to save in a .zidv file, the longnames are 
> truncated so short I cannot read them, like the 9th-15th ones in this 
> screenshot.
> Is it an easy one-line fix?
> Thanks!
> Brian

Hi Brian,

The length is fixed by a number "30", it is easy to change it, what is the good 
number to use in general?

> [cid:ADC10803-D078-48B2-BFE5-4E64279CBCA4@attlocal.net]
> Brian Mapes
> address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden>

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: HLJ-613775
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Open
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