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[IDV #XPA-833241]: Images


Assuming you have the ISL docs:


A few suggestions:

- You can save your image with a .gif extension instead of png. I find that gif
  sometimes compresses better than png, even though gif is out of style these

- Make your view smaller so that the image captured is smaller as well.

- Perhaps try 3rd party image manipulation software.


Unidata IDV Support

> Full Name: Palma
> Email Address: address@hidden
> Organization: CONAGUA Yucatan
> Package Version: 5.1u2 build date:2015-04-27 16:07 UTC
> Operating System: Windows 7
> Hardware: Java: home: C:\Program Files\IDV_5.1u2\jre version: 1.7.0_51 
> j3d:1.6.0-pre9-daily-experimental daily
> Description of problem: Hello:
> I need to generate a image with maximum 200kb or less for a html portal.
> How i must be do the image on isl???
> Best Regards

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: XPA-833241
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed