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[IDV #LYT-733780]: .grb file on RAMADDA not working suddenly

> This valuable dataset on my RAMADDA now gets “no gridded data found”. It used 
> to work.
> It looks OK in RAMADDA's browser access.
> Any idea what has changed?

I tried several earlier versions of the IDV and got the same error. I am 
thinking it is likely the netCDF-Java being updated to 4.5 or 4.6 and causing 
this problem. The file is huge and I will
try to download one sample to play locally.

> http://weather.rsmas.miami.edu/repository/entry/show/RSMAS-UM+Repository+for+atm-ocean+data+and+its+science/AMIE-DYNAMO+data+archive/ECMWF+analyses+0.25deg+pressure+grib1+format/2011-11.grb?entryid=synth%3A601aa404-ac59-4abb-8c4f-11c08474a214%3ALzIwMTEtMTEuZ3Ji<http://weather.rsmas.miami.edu/repository/entry/show/RSMAS-UM+Repository+for+atm-ocean+data+and+its+science/AMIE-DYNAMO+data+archive/ECMWF+analyses+0.25deg+pressure+grib1+format/2011-11.grb?entryid=synth:601aa404-ac59-4abb-8c4f-11c08474a214:LzIwMTEtMTEuZ3Ji>
> Brian
> [cid:87B8108E-3AB1-4520-9694-58CF7CDC4E62@ucar.edu]

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: LYT-733780
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Open