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[IDV #UUL-161546]: Re: 20150504: Support Request from IDV 4/27/15


I spent quite a bit of time looking into this problem this AM, and I believe we
have a bonafide IDV bug which I have not gotten to the bottom of yet.

But can we step back a moment and talk about your ultimate objective? The truth
is that the IDV is not really designed to be a data conversion tool.  If data
conversion into Excel is solely your ultimate objective, there may be better
ways of going about about this problem.

Also, I don't believe your date range has simply been shifted. But rather the
dates are actually corrupt. Simply export the first time stamp and you will see
that it gets shifted from the original January back into December.


Unidata IDV Support

> I should have saved it, but didn't so here is my attempt to rewrite the
> issue:
> I have been using the IDV to convert my netcdf files to Excel files since
> that issue was resolved back in March. The first 30 or so that I converted,
> I checked the outputs and the files were good. A few weekends ago while
> converting more files, I opened one to check it and the dates that I had
> selected in the conversion tool were not the dates that were recorded in
> the Excel file. I am attaching an Excel file and netcdf file for
> Precipitation October 1991 as an example. I selected the times
> 1991_10_01_03 so 10/1/1991 time-step starting at 03:00 through
> 1991_11_01_00 so 11/1/1991 time-step 00:00 when converting the netcdf file
> in IDV, however the dates/times that appear in the Excel file are
> 1991-09-26 03:00:00Z through 1991-10-27 00:00:00Z.
> I am wondering what went wrong and how to fix this? Additionally, I am
> wondering if the data is still correct and the dates listed are just
> incorrect in the Excel file, meaning I could just manually change the
> dates? Or if everything has just somehow been converted with the wrong
> information all together?
> Thank you,
> Rebecca Boyd
> pr_RCM3_gfdl_1991010103.nc
> <https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8Vzg9Q6QiWRX2MyOF9Dajh5RGc/edit?usp=drive_web>
> pr_RCM3_gfdl_1991100103_1991110100.xls
> <https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8Vzg9Q6QiWRaHd0Q3Y1Z080OW8/edit?usp=drive_web>
> address@hidden> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Rebecca,
> >
> > re:
> > >I submitted a "Support Request Form" via the IDV last Monday 4/27/15 and
> > >was wondering if it had been received?
> >
> > The last support inquiry we can find for you was on March 10:
> >
> > Subject: Trouble Converting NetCDF to Excel
> >
> > A reply to this inquiry was sent on March 11.
> >
> > Please resend the inquiry you sent last week, and we will take a look.
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Unidata User Support
> > --
> >
> --
> University of Denver 2015
> MS Student in Geographic Information Science

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: UUL-161546
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed