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[IDV #NIL-300617]: Bounding Box


See the attached Jython script. I believe it draws the bounding box correctly.

I think you need to go through DataChce object to get what you want.

Also this link http://wind.mit.edu/~rkowch/jython/sepd/2dhzt.py is an excellent
example resource. Take some time to carefully study that page as well.


Unidata IDV Support

> Thanks so much for the help. Here is the relevant part of the script, written 
> in the Jython Shell. The dictionary of counties (not yet completed) will 
> contain a list specifying the edges of the bounding box. I have a list of 
> severe weather events and their associated counties. The script will draw a 
> bounding box and average the data (for various parameters) within the 
> bounding box. Before I get to this point, I want to ensure the bounding boxes 
> are accurately drawn and placed, and it seems like they aren't. When plotting 
> the data, the boxes are placed in the wrong locations.  I've also uploaded 
> the requested gempack file to the link provided. Thanks again!
> ##################Use this to open RUC40 
> files#############################Datasource (this can be made into a prompt 
> for multiple model files)dsStr = 
> java.lang.String("/Users/christopouloscosta/Desktop/NWS_Research/RUC_BMX_20141015/")ModelFile
>  = java.lang.String("ruc40_2011042722f000.gem")dsStr = 
> java.lang.String(dsStr.concat(ModelFile))ds = 
> makeDataSource(dsStr,"netcdf.grid")print "Datasource Created"print " "
> #define the edges of a bounding box: different bounding box for each county 
> county = 'Jeff'coords = {'Jeff': [33.6, -87.2,33.2,-86.2] 
> ,'Tallap':[1,2,3,4],'Barb': [1,2,3,4], 'Tusc': 0, 
> 'Perry':0,'Walk':0,'St.Cl':0,'Blou':0,'Mare':0,'Rand':0,'Pike':0,'Mont':0,'Bibb':0,'Hale':0,
>  'Lown':0,'Wins':0,'Chil':0, 
> 'Faye':0,'Lamar':0,'Coosa':0,'Sumt':0,'Autau':0,'Tall':0, 
> 'Etow':0,'Dall':0,'Lee':0,'Russ':0,'Shel':0,'Pick':0,'Mari': 0 , 'Clay':0, 
> 'Tallad':0, 'Elmo':0,'Cham':0, 'Bull': 0}
> coord = coords[county]maxlat = coord[0]minlon = coord[1]minlat = 
> coord[2]maxlon = coord[3]
> #***********THIS IS WHERE I THINK THE PROBLEM IS**********************#define 
> the bounding box. 
> DataSel = ds.getDataSelection()import ucar.unidata.data.GeoLocationInfoGeoSel 
> = DataSel.getGeoSelection(1)BoundBox = 
> ucar.unidata.data.GeoLocationInfo(maxlat,minlon,minlat,maxlon)#BoundBox.rectify(.01,1)GeoSel.setBoundingBox(BoundBox)DataSel.setGeoSelection(GeoSel)
> #parameters to be extracted from RUC40list2 = 
>  = ["Geopotential height @ PRES","DWPC @ PRES","u-component of wind @ 
> PRES","v-component of wind @ PRES","WSPD @ PRES","TMPC @ PRES","WDIR @ PRES"]
> #plot each parameterfor i in range(7): field = getData(ds.getName(),list2[i]) 
> ave = savg(field) dc = createDisplay('planviewcolor', field, str(list2[4]))
> On Tuesday, April 21, 2015 11:49 AM, Unidata IDV Support <address@hidden> 
> wrote:
> Costa,
> I am a bit confused as to what you are trying to achieve. It sounds like you 
> are
> either running a Jython or ISL script. Would it be possible to see this 
> script?
> In addition, we would like to see the data in question which you can upload
> here:
> http://motherlode.ucar.edu/repository/alias/idvupload
> Let us know when it is there.
> Best,
> Unidata IDV Support
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm conducting a bit of research with the IDV, and I need to take averages
> > of a field within a bounding box. As of now, I am using GeoLocationInfo
> > and getGeoSelection to specify the bounding box before plotting the
> > data. When plotting the data, it seems the the bounding box is always
> > placed in the wrong location.
> >
> > Do you have any suggestions for how to fix this?
> >
> > Your help is much appreciated!
> >
> >
> Ticket Details
> ===================
> Ticket ID: NIL-300617
> Department: Support IDV
> Priority: Normal
> Status: Closed

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: NIL-300617
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
##################Use this to open RUC40 files
#############################Datasource (this can be made into a prompt for 
multiple model files)
import ucar.unidata.data.GeoLocationInfo
ds = makeDataSource("/tmp/ruc40_2011042722f000.gem","netcdf.grid")
DataSel = ds.getDataSelection()
BoundBox = ucar.unidata.data.GeoLocationInfo(42,-100,38,-102)
GeoSel = DataSel.getGeoSelection(1)
MasterListChs = ds.getDataChoices()
DataChce = MasterListChs.get(2)

mydata = DataChce.getData(DataSel)
dc = createDisplay('planviewcolor',mydata)