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[IDV #SPC-145081]: meningitis IDV bundle

Hi Sen,

> I can't find the bundle that displays the RH at 40% for meningitis in
> Africa Initiative. Would you please tell me which one?

You couldn't find the bundle since I never uploaded it to the RAMADDA
instance on motherlode!

I just uploaded the bundle so you can, at least, take a look at it:

motherlode.ucar.edu -> RAMADDA Data Repository -> Projects -> Africa Initiative 
Displays -> IDV Bundles -> AI_RH_50Quartile.xidv


This bundle may or may not be useful to you given the dataset that I
was using to produce the displays (Quantile regression on ECMWF
TIGGE ensembles - 50% Quantile for RH).  If you let me know what you
are looking to do, I can put together a much more generic/useful
bundle for you and upload it to RAMADDA on motherlode.


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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: SPC-145081
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed