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[IDV #XOS-181371]: Question about IDV note.


There are currently two THREDDS data servers running at Unidata:
version 4.2 and version 4.3. Version 4.2 will be available through
June 1st of this year, after which time only 4.3 will be available.

Almost every dataset served through 4.2 is available in 4.3, with
the exception of the Constant Forecast Offsets and Constant Forecast
Hour collections. It is strongly suggested that IDV users move away
from using data on the 4.2 server, as there are many bugs that result
in incorrect data being served from GRIB files, which includes all of
the NCEP data we redistribute.

Please see the following blog post for more information:




> Dear friends.
> Hello
> What is available until June 1, 2013, which appears in the IDV
> catalog database software?
> will be kept the same information generated from IDV model Data, in a
> different format or presentation?
> Please see photo attached explaining the question.
> Thanks for your attention and  answer
> God Bless you.
> Sincerly
> Ing. Luis Felipe Ayala Soto
> Hnos. Talamantes 1295
> Entre Tepic y Culiacán
> Colonia el Sahuaro
> Hermosillo, Sonora, México.
> C.P. 83170
> tel 011 52 662 2190766
> address@hidden
> address@hidden
> a 24 de March 2013.

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: XOS-181371
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Open