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[IDV #MMS-234238]: Time matching bug

> Yuan:
> I'm working on a new bundle that intgrates mesowest, radar, and
> satellite data.  I am time matching to the mesowest data at 15 min
> intervals (you'll need the mesowest plugin to run the bundle).
> Unfortunately, it keeps gagging on the radar data with a
> java.lang.nullpointerexception error.
> Jim
    I tested the attached bundle, it runs great with no problem at all. I even 
let it do the auto update a few times.
    I may have an idea about this null pointer exception. I was seeing the 
similar error when I was at the NWA conference a couple weeks ago when I loaded 
Don's uswx bundle with time matching. I have been running this bundle for 
months without any error and I believe it is the great network speed in the 
office. When the network connection is somehow poor (actually not too bad), the 
behavior changes. 
    I am preparing next week's IDV workshop this week, I will investigate this 
after the workshop.


Ticket Details
Ticket ID: MMS-234238
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Open