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[IDV #EIE-202591]: Issue in Data Transect Control

> Sir,
> I have found an issue in data transect control.
> I try to load datasource from
> Server: adde.ucar.edu server
> IMAGETYPE: Mollweide Composite IR

I have a suggestion of data transect of this kind of data. First, File > New > 
View Window > Misc > Transect and Map. Second, select the map view, and load 
the same data and create the image display. Third, select the transect window, 
and create the Data Transect display. I try it locally, and works.

Thanks for the coding suggestion.

> and created display of Data Transect control and I face an Error.
> The associated snapshots have been attached (zipped up).
> I have tried to fix that bug in
> ucar.unidata.idv.control.CrossSectionControl by modifying the initDone()
> method:
> /**
> * Called after all initialization is finished. This sets the end
> points
> * of the csSelector to the correct position and adds this as a
> property
> * change listener to the csSelector.
> */
> public void initDone() {
> super.initDone();
> try {
> RealTuple start = initStartPoint;
> RealTuple end   = initEndPoint;
> if(start == null && initLat1==initLat1 && initLon1
> ==initLon1) {
> start =
> new RealTuple(RealTupleType.SpatialEarth3DTuple,
> new double[] { initLon1,initLat1,
> initAlt });
> }
> if(end == null && initLat2==initLat2 && initLon2 ==initLon2) {
> end =
> new RealTuple(RealTupleType.SpatialEarth3DTuple,
> new double[] { initLon2,initLat2,
> initAlt });
> }
> if (csSelector != null) {
> if (inGlobeDisplay()) {
> csSelector.setInterpolateLinePoints(true);
> }
> //Do we have old end points from bundles?
> if ((startCoord != null) && (endCoord != null)) {
> EarthLocation startLoc = boxToEarth(new double[] {
> startCoord.getX(),
> startCoord.getY(), startCoord.getZ() });
> EarthLocation endLoc = boxToEarth(new double[] {
> endCoord.getX(),
> endCoord.getY(), endCoord.getZ() });
> setPosition(startLoc, endLoc);
> } else if (start == null) {
> MapProjection mp       = getDataProjection();
> Rectangle2D   rect     = mp.getDefaultMapArea();
> LatLonPoint   startLLP = mp.getLatLon(new double[][] {
> { rect.getX() }, { rect.getCenterY() }
> });
> LatLonPoint   endLLP   = mp.getLatLon(new double[][] {
> { rect.getX() + rect.getWidth() },
> { rect.getCenterY() }
> });
> if (startLLP.getLatitude().isMissing() ||
> startLLP.getLongitude().isMissing()
> || endLLP.getLatitude().isMissing() ||
> endLLP.getLongitude().isMissing()) { //Tried to check here whether end
> points of Transect are missing or not
> //It is assumed that at least 10% of the projected area is not missing.
> startLLP = mp.getLatLon(new double[][]{
> //And reset the end
> points of the Data Transect.
> {rect.getCenterX() -
> rect.getWidth() / 10}, {rect.getCenterY() - rect.getHeight() / 10}
> });
> endLLP = mp.getLatLon(new double[][]{
> {rect.getCenterX() +
> rect.getWidth() / 10}, {rect.getCenterY() + rect.getHeight() / 10}
> });
> }
> EarthLocation startLoc =
> new EarthLocationTuple(
> startLLP.getLatitude().getValue(),
> startLLP.getLongitude().getValue(), 0);
> EarthLocation endLoc =
> new EarthLocationTuple(
> endLLP.getLatitude().getValue(),
> endLLP.getLongitude().getValue(), 0);
> setPosition(startLoc, endLoc);
> } else {
> csSelector.setPosition(start, end);
> }
> csSelector.getStartSelectorPoint().setDragAdapter(this);
> csSelector.getEndSelectorPoint().setDragAdapter(this);
> }
> //Now load the data
> reScale();
> loadDataFromLine();
> updateViewParameters();
> } catch (Exception e) {
> logException("Initializing the csSelector", e);
> }
> // when user moves position of the Selector line, call
> crossSectionChanged
> csSelector.addPropertyChangeListener(this);
> updatePositionWidget();
> }
> I have also attached the modified CrossSectionControl.java.
> Kindly let me know if you have some other logic of taking its care.
> Ghansham

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: EIE-202591
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed