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[IDV #KPP-608140]: CMA text format for soundings in IDV

Hi Andy-

> Full Name: Andy Devanas
> Email Address: address@hidden
> Organization: NWS WFO Key West
> Package Version: 2.8 build date:2010-01-15 20:48 UTC
> Operating System: Mac OS X
> Hardware: Java: home: 
> /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6.0/Home version: 
> 1.6.0_17 j3d:1.5.2 fcs (build4)
> Description of problem: I am trying to find the proper text file format to 
> produce a sounding display on the IDV. I've tried the FSL text format (from 
> the esrl sounding archive site), but this will not work. However, I was able 
> to display a cdf file from the same site. The IDV users manual has a CMA text 
> format as one of the possible inputs for the local sounding file - but I have 
> no idea what a CMA text file is - or how to produce one ( or what 
> information, and in what order, needs to be in the text file).

CMA is the Chinese Meterological Administration.  Unfortunately, all the 
documentation I have is in Chinese. ;-) Here is a rough translation:

Year, Month, Day, Hour, NumObs
   st_num lat(deg) lon(deg) alt(m)
   pr(hPa) hh(m) temp(degC) td(degC) wind_d(deg) wind_s(m/s)

missing value is 99999.90

> I am trying to produce a sounding climatology - so it would be nice to have 
> an example of a sounding text file to follow.

I've attached a sample CMA file. 

As you found out, we do support the ESRL netCDF format.  I'll look at the text 
format to see what it would take to support that.

Don Murray

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: KPP-608140
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Open

Attachment: test2.ta
Description: Binary data