HI Bill, > Description of problem: I was going to ask if one of the map servers, > National Map, could be extended further to > the east - 40 W instead of 62 W. > > Also, it has not responded for a few days. > > Error accessing image with the url: > http://nmcatalog.usgs.gov/catalogwms/base?version=1.1.1&request=GetMap&Styles=&format=image/png&SRS=EPSG:4326&CRS=EPSG:4326&Layers=T_3&BBOX=-149.0,17.0,-64.0,64.0&width=592&height=600&reaspect=false These web map servers are out of our control. We just show and can make use of what they provide. -Jeff Ticket Details =================== Ticket ID: PHM-363590 Department: Support IDV Priority: Normal Status: Closed