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[IDV #OUR-354654]: Colorbar Error (Version 2.7_a1)

Hi Erin,

> The colorbar and matte isl tags produce the following error message:
> C:\Program Files\IDV_2.7a1>runidv test2.isl
> C:\Program Files\IDV_2.7a1>jre\bin\java -Xmx512m -Didv.enableStereo=false
> -jar i
> dv.jar test2.isl
> Mon Mar 30 14:34:10 EDT 2009: Creating data source
> Mon Mar 30 14:34:12 EDT 2009: Creating display: planviewcolor
> param:sand_01
> Could not find display:<image file="test2.png">
> <matte background="white" space="100"/>
> <colorbar display="planviewcolor" orientation="top"/>
> </image>
> This error  results from the following isl file:
> isl offscreen="true" debug="true">
> <datasource url="
> http://coast-enviro.er.usgs.gov/thredds/dodsC/vs/vs001/his";
> type="dods.grid"
> times="190">
> <display
> type="planviewcolor"
> param="sand_01">
> <property
> name="dataSelectionLevel"
> value="-0.9750000238418579"/>
> <property
> name="displayListTemplate"
> value="%shortname% - %displayname%"/>
> </display>
> </datasource>

The display="planviewcolor" attribute in the colorbar tag is specifying a 
display control with the ID
of "planviewcolor". The ID of a display control is normally set interactively 
through the property dialog.
You can either set the id with a property tag in the isl:
<property name="id" value="planviewcolor"/>
or just don't specify a display="..." in the colorbar tag. If you don't specify 
a display id then the IDV
will simply default to using the colorbars from all of the displays that have a 


Ticket Details
Ticket ID: OUR-354654
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed