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[IDD #MWQ-760671]: Test Feed

Hi Ziv,

> If the steps to set up LDM logging are not contingent on getting my
> outbound traffic issues fixed then I'd love to proceed with those steps.

OK, on to getting LDM logging working under Ubuntu...

To make the following changes, you will need to be able to logon
as 'root' in addition to logging on as 'ldm':

1) you will need to make the following change to ~ldm/bin/ldmadmin:

   <as 'ldm>

   In the subroutine named new_log in ~/bin/ldmadmin,


    # Rotate the log file
    system("newlog $log_file $numlogs");


    # Rotate the log file
    system("newlog $log_file $numlogs");
    system("chmod 666 $log_file);


   On non-Ubuntu systems, the system logging daemon is run by 'root',
   and 'root' can read/write any file on the system.  Under Ubuntu,
   the system logging daemon is run by a user other than 'root'.  The
   implication of this is that the LDM log file needs to have world
   read/write privilege.  The 'chmod' addition to ldmadmin sets the
   read/write permissions so that any user can write to the file.

   Then create the LDM log file and make sure that it has world read/write

   cd ~ldm
   touch var/logs/ldmd.log
   chmod 666 var/logs/ldmd.log

2) changes to the system logging daemon configuration to be done as 'root':

   First, the LDM installation would have written a couple/three lines
   to the end of /etc/rsyslog.conf.  These lines need to be moved to

   The added lines will reference local0.  For instance, at the end of
   the file you should see:

# Unidata LDM:
local0.*                        /home/ldm/var/logs/ldmd.log

   These lines need to be moved to the end of /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf
   (i.e., make sure that the lines no longer exist in /etc/rsyslog.conf and
   are copied to /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf).

3) there is a block of commented lines in /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf
   that need to be uncommented and added to

   Here are what the lines will look like after uncommenting and adding
   the local0.none part:

        local0.none             -/var/log/messages

4) after making the changes to /etc/rsyslog.conf and 
   the system logging daemon needs to be restarted:

service rsyslog restart

5) finally, test to see if LDM logging is now working:

<as 'ldm'>
logger -p local0.debug 'test of LDM logging'

ls -alt ~ldm/var/logs/ldmd.log

If the 'logger' invocation does not result in the test message being written
to the ~ldm/var/logs/ldmd.log file, please send me the /etc/rsyslog.conf
and /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf files as attachments.

As soon as LDM logging is working, we will work on creating a pattern-action
file that has the action(s) needed to process the NEXRAD2 radar data.
We might as well wait for this step until your LDM can make feed REQUESTs
for data.


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: MWQ-760671
Department: Support IDD
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed