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new connect

Hi Bob, 

Hoping that you can feed a new site in Louisiana, 

University of Louisiana at Monroe

machine name is: 


with an IP address of: 

Eric Pani will be the point of contact:


Eric has indicated he would desire DDPLUS and MCIDAS feeds so I suggest we
place an "allow UNIDATA" to your ldmd.conf file...that should cover his

Also, what machine should I point him to? sirocco, datoo, nafhat?

I am not quite certain what machine is currently being used, and I am the
only LDM guy in the shop today..I know you and Anne have had some
discussions regarding machine name changes...Additionally, is it the same
machine you are ingesting the NEXRAD feed on, I believe Eric would like to
access some of that feed as well.

Please let me know if you can handle this new node..

Thank you,

____________________________                  _____________________
Jeff Weber                                    address@hidden
Unidata Support                               PH:303-497-8676 
NWS-COMET Case Study Library                  FX:303-497-8690
University Corp for Atmospheric Research      3300 Mitchell Ln
http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/jweber      Boulder,Co 80307-3000
________________________________________      ______________________