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nldn feed to breeze


As requested by Unidata support I have changed Striker's ldm entry for 
breeze to accept NLDN data to the following:

ALLOW   NLDN    ^breeze\.uprm\.edu$
ALLOW   NLDN    ^breeze\.upr\.clu\.edu$
ALLOW   NLDN    ^136\.145\.165\.17

I have also verified the ldm connected to that machine as below:

Aug 20 16:02:34 striker breeze[24862]: Connection from breeze.uprm.edu
Aug 20 16:02:34 striker breeze(feed)[24862]: Starting Up: 19990820150233.795 
TS_ENDT {{NLDN,  ".*"}}
Aug 20 16:02:34 striker breeze(feed)[24862]: topo:  breeze.uprm.edu NLDN

Could you please let me know when the network problems are resolved and only
one hostname is entered into the DNS tables (forward and reverse).  Given the 
tight restrictions imposed by Global Atmospherics on the NLDN data, I would 
really like to limit the ALLOW's for the ldm as much as possible.



Peter Schmid
Sr. Programmer/Analyst SUNY at Albany 
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences