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20060322: dcrdf problem


I had a problem with dcrdf core dumping on Linux in the
bridge/rd/rddcpm.f routine. I didn't see this in your 5.9.2 release
notes on the web, so don't know if you have run in to this or not.

The problem is that the sorted insertion iteration on "nn" in the
section below can attempt to access an array index "0" when n=2 
(eg (nn - 1) = 0):
                        prmfnd = .false.
                        n = 1
                        DO WHILE ( .not. prmfnd .and. n .le. 3 )
                          IF ( iwxp (m,k) .gt. i3num (n) ) THEN
                            IF ( n .lt. 3 ) THEN
                              DO nn = 3, 3 - n, -1
                                i3num (nn) = i3num (nn - 1)
                                i3prm (nn) = i3prm (nn - 1)
                              END DO
                            END IF
                            i3num (n) = iwxp (m,k)
                            i3prm (n) = m
                            prmfnd = .true.
                          END IF
                          n = n + 1
                        END DO

I modified the loop to:
                              nn = 3
                              DO WHILE (nn .gt. n )
                                i3num (nn) = i3num (nn - 1)
                                i3prm (nn) = i3prm (nn - 1)
                                nn = nn - 1
                              END DO

I have attached the modified source file.


        SUBROUTINE RD_DCPM ( segmnt, lens, numnam, cpnam, lnpnm, nxtyp,
     +                       kpshr, jftmst, jftmen, iprms, mapprm,
     +                       lfchr, idtar, oristn, ispnt, rdata, more,
     +                       iret )
C* RD_DCPM                                                              *
C*                                                                      *
C* This subroutine decodes the parameter lines.                         *
C*                                                                      *
C*            MORE, IRET )                                              *
C*                                                                      *
C* Input parameters:                                                    *
C*      SEGMNT          CHAR*           Bulletin segment                *
C*      LENS            INTEGER         Length of segment               *
C*      NUMNAM          INTEGER         Number of fcst variable names   *
C*      CPNAM (*)       CHAR*           Array of fcst variable names    *
C*      LNPNM (*)       INTEGER         Lengths CPNAM                   *
C*      NXTYP (*)       INTEGER         First index of type in CPNAM    *
C*      KPSHR (*)       INTEGER         Positions of forecast hours     *
C*      JFTMST          INTEGER         Index of 1st valid fcst hour    *
C*      JFTMEN          INTEGER         Index of last fcst hour         *
C*      IPRMS (*)       INTEGER         Position of parameter in output *
C*      MAPPRM (*)      INTEGER         Mapping of cpnam to cprms       *
C*      LFCHR (*)       INTEGER         Local forecast hour             *
C*      IDTAR (*)       INTEGER         First integer date array        *
C*      ORISTN          CHAR*           Originating station             *
C*                                                                      *
C* Input and output parameters:                                         *
C*      ISPNT           INTEGER         Segment pointer                 *
C*                                                                      *
C* Output parameters:                                                   *
C*      RDATA           REAL            Forecast data                   * 
C*        ( MMPARM, * )                                                 *
C*      MORE            LOGICAL         Flag for extended section       *
C*      IRET            INTEGER         Return code                     *
C*                                       -1 = bad extended section      *
C**                                                                     *
C* Log:                                                                 *
C* F. J. Yen/NCEP        9/02                                           *
C* F. J. Yen/NCEP       11/02   Added UTC, 3HRLY and 6HRLY to time line.*
C*                              Cleaned up; Added new parameters & msg. *
C* S. Chiswell/Unidata   3/06   Fixed sorted insertion "nn" bug         *
        INCLUDE         'GEMPRM.PRM'
        CHARACTER*(*)   segmnt, cpnam (*), oristn
        INTEGER         kpshr (*), lnpnm (*), nxtyp (*), iprms (*)
        INTEGER         mapprm (*), lfchr (*), idtar (*)
        REAL            rdata ( MMPARM, * )
        LOGICAL         more
C*                      NUMWX is the number of weather phenomena
        PARAMETER       ( NUMWX = 11 )
        CHARACTER       cline (22)*3, idir (8)*3, clud (10)*2,
     +                  obvs (8)*3, pprb (10)*2
        INTEGER         line (22), mxmnln (22), ips12 (22)
        INTEGER         idtar2 (5), i3prm (3)
        INTEGER         iwxp (NUMWX,22), i3num (3), wnm (NUMWX), iadd(5)
        REAL            drct (8), cfrt (10), ovis (8)
        REAL            rlinu (22), rlinl (22), qrn (7)
        REAL            snrn (5), ctsn (5)
        CHARACTER       clin*200, tznlst (9)*4, errstr*80
        LOGICAL         prmfnd, mxmnfl, mxmndt, cont
        DATA            tznlst / 'EDT ', 'EST ', 'CDT ', 'CST ',
     +                           'MDT ', 'MST ', 'PDT ', 'PST ',
     +                           'UTC ' /
        DATA            idir / '  N', ' NE', '  E', ' SE',
     +                         '  S', ' SW', '  W', ' NW' /
        DATA            drct /   0.0,  45.0,  90.0, 135.0,
     +                           180.0, 225.0, 270.0, 315.0 /
        DATA            clud / 'CL', 'FE', 'FW', 'SC', 'PC',
     +                         'B1', 'B2', 'BK', 'MC', 'OV' /
        DATA            cfrt /   0.,   2.,   2.,   3.,   3.,
     +                           5.,   6.,   6.,   6.,   8. /
        DATA            obvs / ' F+', 'PF+', '  H', '  K',
     +                         '  F', ' PF', ' BD', ' BS' /
        DATA            ovis /    1.,    1.,    2.,    2.,
     +                            3.,    3.,    4.,    4. /
        DATA            pprb / ' S', ' C', ' L', ' O', ' D', 
     +                         'IS', 'WS', 'SC', 'NM', 'WP' /
C*                      wnm has codes for drzl, lt rain, mod rain, snow,
C*                      rain shwr, lt snow shwr (flurries), snow shwr,
C*                      frz, drzl, frz rain, ice pellet (sleet),
C*                      thunder shwr (tstms)
        DATA            wnm /    2., 13.,  1.,  3., 16., 55.,
     +                          22., 19., 15., 23., 66. /
        DATA            iadd /  0,  20,  40,  60,  80 /
C*                      Use .004 in place of .01 for the start of
C*                      second range, since "T" has been reported
        DATA            qrn  /  .00, .004, .10, .25, .50, 1., 2. /
        DATA            snrn /  0.,  .004, 2., 4., 6. /  
        DATA            ctsn /  0., 1.,    2., 4., 6. /
        iret = 0
        mxmndt = .false.
        DO k = 1, 22
            ips12 ( k ) = 0
            DO j = 1, NUMWX
                iwxp (j,k) = 0
            END DO
        END DO
        more = .false.
        ierlin = 0
        DO WHILE ( ierlin .eq. 0 )
            ispnto = ispnt
            CALL RD_GLIN ( segmnt, lens, ispnt, clin, lenl, ierlin )
            IF ( ierlin .eq. 0 ) THEN
C*                  Process range data
                prmfnd = .false.
                jj = nxtyp (1) 
                DO WHILE ( jj .lt. nxtyp (2) .and. .not. prmfnd ) 
                    IF ( clin (1:lnpnm(jj)) .eq.
     +                      cpnam (jj) (1:lnpnm(jj)) ) THEN 

                        CALL RD_RNGD ( clin, lenl, lnpnm(jj), kpshr,
     +                          jftmst, jftmen, rlinl, rlinu, ier )
                        prmfnd = .true.
                        IF ( ier .eq. -1 ) THEN
                            CALL ST_UNPR ( clin (:72), 72, errstr,
     +                              len1, ierr)
                            errstr = oristn(:4) // ':  '
                            CALL DC_WLOG ( 2, 'DCRDF', ier, errstr,
     +                                      ierr )
                            mp = iprms ( mapprm (jj) )
                            IF ( jj .eq. 1 .or. jj .eq. 2 ) THEN
C*                              QPF 12HR --> QP12
C*                              MAX QPF  --> QPX2
                                DO ii = jftmst, jftmen
                                    IF ( rlinu ( ii ) .ne. RMISSD ) THEN
                                        cont = .true.
                                        jk = 1
                                        DO WHILE ( jk .le. 7 .and.
     +                                          cont )
                                            IF ( rlinu (ii) .le.
     +                                              qrn (jk) ) THEN
                                                cont = .false.
                                                IF ( ( rlinu ( ii ) .eq.
     +                                              rlinl ( ii ) ) .and.
     +                                              ( rlinl (ii) .eq.
     +                                              qrn (jk) ) ) 
     +                                                     THEN 
                                                    rdata (mp,ii) = jk - 1
                                                    rdata (mp,ii) = jk - 2
                                                END IF
                                                jk = jk + 1
                                            END IF
                                        END DO
                                        IF ( cont ) rdata (mp,ii) = 6.
C*                                      ips12 ( ii ) is set to 1 when a
C*                                      12-hr parm data exists.  It is 
C*                                      used for positioning MN/MX data.
                                        ips12 ( ii ) = 1
                                    END IF
                                END DO
                              ELSE IF ( jj .eq. 3 ) THEN
C*                              SNOW 12HR --> SN12
                                DO ii = jftmst, jftmen
                                    IF ( rlinu ( ii ) .ne. RMISSD ) THEN
                                        cont = .true.
                                        jk = 1
                                        DO WHILE ( jk .le. 5 .and.
     +                                          cont )
                                            IF ( rlinu (ii) .le.
     +                                               snrn (jk) ) THEN
                                              cont = .false.
                                              IF ( rlinu (ii) .eq.
     +                                               rlinl (ii) .and.
     +                                               rlinl (ii) .eq.
     +                                               snrn(jk) ) THEN
                                                rdata ( mp,ii ) =
     +                                                   ctsn (jk)
                                                rdata ( mp,ii ) =
     +                                                   ctsn (jk - 1)
                                              END IF
                                            END IF
                                            jk = jk + 1
                                        END DO
                                        IF ( cont ) rdata ( mp,ii ) = 6.
C*                                      ips12 ( ii ) is set to 1 when
C*                                      a 12-hr parm data exists for use
C*                                      in positioning MX/MN data.
                                        ips12 ( ii ) = 1
                                    END IF
                                END DO
                            END IF
                        END IF
                    END IF
                    jj = jj + 1
                END DO
C*              Process single integer values
                IF ( .not. prmfnd ) THEN
                    jj = nxtyp (2) 
                    DO WHILE ( jj .lt. nxtyp (3) .and. .not. prmfnd ) 
                        IF ( clin (1:lnpnm(jj)) .eq.
     +                          cpnam (jj) (1:lnpnm(jj)) ) THEN
                            mxmnfl = .false.
                            CALL RD_IDAT ( clin, lenl, lnpnm(jj),
     +                              kpshr, jftmst, jftmen, mxmnfl,
     +                              line, ier )
                            prmfnd = .true.
                            IF ( ier .eq. -1 ) THEN
                                CALL ST_UNPR ( clin (:72), 72, errstr,
     +                                  len1, ierr)
                                errstr = oristn(:4) // ':  '
                                CALL DC_WLOG ( 2, 'DCRDF', ier, errstr,
     +                                      ierr )
                                mp = iprms ( mapprm (jj) )
                                DO ii = jftmst, jftmen
                                    IF ( line ( ii ) .ne. IMISSD ) THEN
                                        rdata ( mp, ii ) =
     +                                      FLOAT ( line ( ii ) )
C*                                      jj equals 4 for POP 12HR 
C*                                      which is a 12-hr parm, so
C*                                      ips12 is set to 1 if data
C*                                      exists in that position
                                        IF ( jj .eq. 4 ) THEN
                                            ips12 ( ii ) = 1
                                        END IF
                                    END IF
                                END DO
                            END IF
                        END IF
                        jj = jj + 1

                    END DO
                END IF
C*              Process character data
                IF ( .not. prmfnd ) THEN
                    jj = nxtyp (3) 
                    DO WHILE ( jj .lt. nxtyp (4) .and. .not. prmfnd ) 
                        IF ( clin (1:lnpnm(jj)) .eq.
     +                          cpnam (jj) (1:lnpnm(jj)) ) THEN
                            CALL RD_CDAT ( clin, lenl, lnpnm(jj),
     +                              kpshr, jftmst, jftmen, cline, ier )
                            prmfnd = .true.

                            IF ( ier .eq. -1 ) THEN
                                CALL ST_UNPR ( clin (:72), 72, errstr,
     +                                         len1, ierr)
                                errstr = oristn(:4) // ':  '
                                CALL DC_WLOG ( 2, 'DCRDF', ier, errstr,
     +                                      ierr )
                              ELSE IF ( jj .eq. 11 .or. jj .eq. 12 )
     +                                  THEN
C*                              WIND DIR --> DRCT
                                mp = iprms ( mapprm (jj) )
                                DO ii = jftmst, jftmen
                                    CALL ST_FIND ( cline (ii), idir, 8,
     +                                             ipos, ierr)
                                    IF ( ipos .ne. 0 ) THEN 
                                        rdata ( mp, ii ) = drct ( ipos )
                                    END IF 
                                END DO
                              ELSE IF ( jj .eq. 13 ) THEN
C*                              OBVIS --> OVIS
                                mp = iprms ( mapprm (jj) )
                                DO ii = jftmst, jftmen
                                    CALL ST_FIND ( cline (ii), obvs,
     +                                             10, ipos, ierr)
                                    IF ( ipos .ne. 0 ) THEN 
                                        rdata ( mp, ii ) = ovis ( ipos )
                                    END IF 
                                END DO
                              ELSE IF ( jj .eq. 14 .or. jj .eq. 15 )
     +                                  THEN
C*                              CLOUDS and AVG CLOUDS --> CFRT
                                mp = iprms ( mapprm (jj) )
                                DO ii = jftmst, jftmen
                                    CALL ST_FIND ( cline (ii) (2:3),
     +                                             clud, 10, ipos, ierr)
                                    IF ( ipos .ne. 0 ) THEN 
                                        rdata ( mp, ii ) = cfrt ( ipos )
                                    END IF 
                                END DO
                            END IF
                        END IF
                        jj = jj + 1
                    END DO
                END IF
C*              Process weather probability or areal coverage data
                IF ( .not. prmfnd ) THEN
                    jj = nxtyp (4) 
                    DO WHILE ( jj .lt. nxtyp (5) .and. .not. prmfnd ) 
                        IF ( clin (1:lnpnm(jj)) .eq.
     +                          cpnam (jj) (1:lnpnm(jj)) ) THEN
                            CALL RD_CDAT ( clin, lenl, lnpnm(jj), kpshr,
     +                              jftmst, jftmen, cline, ier )
                            prmfnd = .true.
                            IF ( ier .eq. -1 ) THEN
                              CALL ST_UNPR ( clin (:72), 72, errstr,
     +                                       len1, ierr)
                              errstr = oristn(:4) // ':  '
                              CALL DC_WLOG ( 2, 'DCRDF', ier, errstr,
     +                                       ierr )
                              mprb = iprms ( mapprm (jj) )
                              DO ii = jftmst, jftmen
                                CALL ST_FIND ( cline (ii) (2:3), pprb,
     +                                         10, iprb, ierr )
                                IF ( iprb .ne. 0 ) THEN 
C*                                iadd is a (probability based) 
C*                                number added to the priority number
C*                                of the precip phenomenon (1 for drzl
C*                                having the lowest and up to NUMWX for
C*                                tstms having the highest priority).
C*                                This will produce a number iwxp.  The
C*                                highest 3 numbers in iwxp will
C*                                correspond to the 3 precip phenomena
C*                                to be used to calculate WNUM. (Thus,
C*                                WNUM will have the 3 parameters that
C*                                have the highest probability or areal
C*                                coverage.  In case there are more than
C*                                3 parameters having the highest
C*                                probability, the 3 parameters having
C*                                the highest priority will be selected.
C*                                iprb is the WXPB for the parameter.
C*                                nprm is the priority of the phenomena.
                                  iprb = mod (iprb,5)
                                  IF ( iprb .eq. 0 ) iprb = 5
                                  IF ( jj .ne. nxtyp(4) ) THEN
                                      nprm = nxtyp(5) - jj
C*                                    Set nprm to 7 for duplicate
C*                                    SNOWSHWRS at postion nxtyp(4) 
                                      nprm = 7
                                  END IF
                                  iwxp (nprm,ii) = nprm + iadd (iprb)
                                END IF
                              END DO
                            END IF
                        END IF
                        jj = jj + 1             
                    END DO
                END IF
C*              Process MX/MN or MN/MX data
                IF ( .not. prmfnd ) THEN
                    jj = nxtyp (5) 
                    DO WHILE ( jj .lt. nxtyp (6) .and. .not. prmfnd ) 
                        IF ( clin (1:lnpnm(jj)) .eq.
     +                          cpnam (jj) (1:lnpnm(jj)) ) THEN
                            mxmnfl = .true.
                            CALL RD_IDAT ( clin, lenl, lnpnm(jj),
     +                              kpshr, jftmst, jftmen,
     +                              mxmnfl, mxmnln, mxmner )
                            IF ( mxmner .eq. 0 ) mxmndt = .true.
                            prmfnd = .true.
                        END IF
                        jj = jj + 1             
                    END DO
                END IF
C*              Check if first date in date line for extended data is 
C*              same as first date in first section, then bad section.
                IF ( .not. prmfnd ) THEN
                    ispn = ispnto - 2
                    CALL RD_GDTE ( segmnt, ispn + 90, ispn,
     +                                  idtar2, idp, ier )
                    IF ( ier .eq. 0 ) THEN
                        idate = 1
                        DO nn = 1, 5
                            IF ( idtar2 (nn) .ne. idtar (nn) ) THEN
                                idate = 0
                            END IF
                        END DO
                        IF ( idate .eq. 1 ) THEN
                            iret = -1
                            ierlin = -2
                            ispnt = ispnto + ispn
                        END IF
                    prmfnd = .true.
                    END IF 
                END IF
C*              Check if time line for extended data
                IF ( .not. prmfnd ) THEN
                    jj = 1
                    jext = jj
                    DO WHILE ( jj .le. 9 .and.
     +                      clin (1:4) .ne. tznlst (jj) )
                        jj = jj + 1
                        jext = jj
                    END DO
                    IF ( jext .lt. 10 ) THEN
C*                      Extended data; set pointer back for time line
                        ispnt = ispnto - 1
                        more = .true.
                        ierlin = -2             
                    END IF
                END IF
            END IF
        END DO
        IF ( mxmndt ) THEN
C*          Continue processing MX/MN data to determine positioning
            IF ( mxmner .eq. -1 ) THEN
                CALL ST_UNPR ( clin (:72), 72, errstr, len1, ierr)
                errstr = oristn(:4) // ':  '
                CALL DC_WLOG ( 2, 'DCRDF', ier, errstr, ierr )
                i3 = 0
                DO ii = jftmst, jftmen
                    ips = ii
                    IF ( mxmnln ( ii ) .ne. IMISSD .and.
     +                          i3 .eq. 0 ) THEN
                        IF ( ii .lt. jftmen - 1 ) THEN
                            IF ( mxmnln (ii + 1) .ne. IMISSD .and.
     +                              mxmnln (ii + 2) .ne. IMISSD ) THEN
                                i3 = 2
C*                              Assume if the next 2 positions have
C*                              data, then it is a group of 3, so need
C*                              to determine which value and position
C*                              to use.  (Positions of other existing
C*                              12-hr parameters must be set in ips12.)
C*                              If MX/MN are in groups of 3, then the
C*                              value in the same position will be
C*                              used.  If there are no other 12-hr
C*                              parms nearby, then the first value in
C*                              the group will be used.

                                IF ( ips12 ( ii ) .eq. 1 ) THEN
                                    ips = ii
                                  ELSE IF (ips12 (ii + 1) .eq. 1) THEN
                                    ips = ii + 1
                                  ELSE IF (ips12 (ii + 2) .eq. 1) THEN
                                    ips = ii + 2
                                    ips = ii
                                END IF
                                ips = ii
                            END IF
                        END IF
C*                      Determine whether the MX/MN or MN/MX temperature
C*                      is TNTF or TDYF.
                        IF ( lfchr (ips) .ge. 12 ) THEN
C*                          TDYF
                            CALL ST_FIND ( 'MN/MX', cpnam, NUMNAM,
     +                                 ipos, ierr)
                            mp = iprms ( mapprm (ipos) )
                            rdata ( mp, ips ) = FLOAT ( mxmnln ( ips ) )
C*                          TNTF
                            CALL ST_FIND ( 'MX/MN', cpnam, NUMNAM,
     +                                  ipos, ierr)
                            mp = iprms ( mapprm (ipos) )
                            rdata ( mp, ips ) = FLOAT ( mxmnln ( ips ) )
                        END IF
C*                      This skips over the group of 3
                        IF ( i3 .ne. 0 ) i3 = i3 - 1
                    END IF
                END DO
            END IF
        END IF
C*      Determine wnum from weather probability or areal coverage data.
C*      i3num will have the highest 3 iwxp number based on priority and
C*      probability.  i3prm will have the phenomenon priority
C*      (1 - NUMWX) of the corresponding i3num.
        DO j = 1, 3
            i3num (j) = 0
            i3prm (j) = 0
        END DO
        DO k = jftmst, jftmen
            np = 0
            DO m = 1, NUMWX
                IF ( iwxp (m,k) .ne. 0 ) THEN
                    IF ( np .eq. 0 ) THEN
                        np = np + 1
                        i3num ( np ) = iwxp (m,k)
                        i3prm ( np ) = m
                      ELSE IF (np .eq. 1 ) THEN
                        np = np + 1
                        IF ( iwxp (m,k) .gt. i3num (1) ) THEN
                            i3num ( 2 ) = i3num ( 1 )
                            i3num ( 1 ) = iwxp (m,k)
                            i3prm ( 2 ) = i3prm ( 1 )
                            i3prm ( 1 ) = m
                            i3num ( 2 ) = iwxp (m,k)
                            i3prm ( 2 ) = m
                        END IF
                      ELSE IF (np .eq. 2 ) THEN
                        np = np + 1
                        IF ( iwxp (m,k) .gt. i3num (1) ) THEN
                            i3num ( 3 ) = i3num ( 2 )
                            i3num ( 2 ) = i3num ( 1 )
                            i3num ( 1 ) = iwxp (m,k)
                            i3prm ( 3 ) = i3prm ( 2 )
                            i3prm ( 2 ) = i3prm ( 1 )
                            i3prm ( 1 ) = m
                          ELSE IF ( iwxp (m,k) .gt. i3num (2) ) THEN
                            i3num ( 3 ) = i3num ( 2 )
                            i3num ( 2 ) = iwxp (m,k)
                            i3prm ( 3 ) = i3prm ( 2 )
                            i3prm ( 2 ) = m
                            i3num ( 3 ) = iwxp (m,k)
                            i3prm ( 3 ) = m
                        END IF
                        prmfnd = .false.
                        n = 1
                        DO WHILE ( .not. prmfnd .and. n .le. 3 )
                          IF ( iwxp (m,k) .gt. i3num (n) ) THEN
                            IF ( n .lt. 3 ) THEN
                              nn = 3
                              DO WHILE (nn .gt. n ) 
                                i3num (nn) = i3num (nn - 1)
                                i3prm (nn) = i3prm (nn - 1)
                                nn = nn - 1
                              END DO
                            END IF
                            i3num (n) = iwxp (m,k)
                            i3prm (n) = m
                            prmfnd = .true.
                          END IF
                          n = n + 1
                        END DO
                    END IF
                END IF
            END DO
            IF (np .gt. 0 ) THEN
C*              Calculate wnum
                rdata (mprb,k) = wnm (i3prm(1))
                IF ( np .ge. 2 ) THEN
                    rdata (mprb,k) = rdata (mprb,k) +
     +                           80 * wnm (i3prm(2))
                END IF
                IF ( np .eq. 3 ) THEN
                    rdata (mprb,k) = rdata (mprb,k) +
     +                           6400 * wnm (i3prm(3))
                END IF
C*              Determine WXPB from iadd.
                m = 5
                prmfnd = .false.
                DO WHILE ( .not. prmfnd .and. m .ge. 1)
                    IF ( i3num(1) .gt. iadd(m) ) THEN
                        rdata (mprb+1,k) = float (m) 
                        prmfnd = .true.
                    END IF
                    m = m - 1
                END DO
            END IF
        END DO