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20030904: GDDIAG Error


I ran a test on some grids that I had and it seems to work for 
me like:

 GDFILE   = test1.gem
 GDOUTF   = test1.gem
 GFUNC    = mul(avep24m,cntp24m)
 GDATTIM  = 030905/0000F024:030905/0600F024
 GLEVEL   = 0
 GVCORD   = none
 GRDNAM   = augp
 GPACK    =  

    TIME1             TIME2         LEVL1 LEVL2   VCORD PARM
030905/0000F024    030905/0600F024      0          NONE AUGP        
Enter a new grid parameter name, <cr> to accept or type EXIT:

If you want to GDMOD the 2 grids in question to a file
and just send me that, I can check your grids here.

Also let me know the OS and version you are using.

It almost sounds like one of your grids is empty or corrupt. Have you 
verified that you didn't hit the max number of grids in your file
along the way, etc? Of couse, if you can see them independently
with gdlist etc, then that isn't the problem. 

Steve Chiswell

>From: "Patrick O'Reilly" <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200309042022.h84KMbLd029630

>Okay, what I'm trying to do is take a grid file with a months worth of daily
>24-hour radar estimated precip grids (P24M), and add them to get a monthly
>total radar estimated precip grid.
>So, I made a grid file using GDCFIL.  That was good.  Then I used GDSTAT to
>calculate the AVE, SDV, and CNT of the grids.  That went great.  Next, I
>tried using GDDIAG to multiply the AVEP24M and CNTP24M fields to get a grid
>with the total precip.  Not so good.  What I do get is:
> GDFILE   = aug_precip.gem
> GDOUTF   = aug_precip.gem
> GDATTIM  = 030731/1200f024:030830/1200f024
> GLEVEL   = 0
> GVCORD   = none
> GRDNAM   = augp
> GPACK    =
> [DG -10]  Internal grid list is full; simplify function.
> [DG -10]  Internal grid list is full; simplify function.
>Couldn't find much info on the support archive list about this error, only
>that the GFUNC may be too long, but in this case it isn't.  Any pointers?
>Patrick O'Reilly
>Meteorological Decision Support Scientist
>The STORM Project - University of Northern Iowa
>address@hidden  ~  ph: 319-273-3789
>"No trees were killed in the making of this e-mail...however,
>a large number of electrons were horribly inconvenienced."