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20030224: model grids && GDATTIM = F000


Looks like you probably have a corrupt file, shared library change,
or file system problem.

The grids/times you ist are most likely RUC parameters since they
don't exist with the AVN, and the file size is somewhat suspicious.
Could be a versionitis witth your glibc as well.

Steve Chiswell

On Sun, 23 Feb 2003, Daryl Herzmann wrote:

> Hey Gembuds!
> Got a strange one here!  I am running 5.6.h.1 on Linux by the way.  With
> dcgrib2 pattern action
>         PIPE    dcgrib2 -d data/gempak/logs/dcgrib.log
> For example, I, well dcgrib2, generates GFS 'thin' files.
> Here is the latest one from 00z
>                     31607812  Feb 22 22:48 2003022300_thin.gem
> Okay, how did these grids get in there?
> 503     030223/0400F000                          0         NONE LFT4
> 504     030223/0400F000                          0         NONE S00M
> It is screwing up my scripts that use F000 as a GDATTIM.  They will fail
> unless you specify '030223/0000F000' manually.
> Something, in general is screwy with the grid files.  For instance
>  GDFILE   = /home/ldm/data/gempak/hds/2003022318_thin.gem
>  OUTPUT   = T
>  GDATTIM  = F000
>  GLEVEL   = 0
>  GVCORD   = none
>  GFUNC    = ALL
>  GRID FILE: /home/ldm/data/gempak/hds/2003022318_thin.gem
>      PROJECTION:          CED
>      GRID SIZE:          289 145
>      LL CORNER:             -90.00    -30.00
>      UR CORNER:              90.00    -30.00
>  Number of grids in file:   771
>  Maximum number of grids in file:   2000
>  [TG 2]  The time 030223/2100F000 is not found in the data set.
> Huh?  ------------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Okay, okay.  What did I screw up this time?  My other AVN grids seem to be
> having the same problem and now that I look at it, other model grids are
> doing this too.  Perhaps F000 is no longer valid?
>  GDFILE   = /home/ldm/data/gempak/hds/2003022318_eta212.gem
> [..deleted stuff ...]
>  [TG 2]  The time 030223/1900F000 is not found in the data set.
> This 'problem' just started showing up recently.  Many of my plotting
> scripts have been failing, since I have always used 'F000'...
> Thanks
>   Daryl
> --
> /**
>  * Daryl Herzmann (address@hidden)
>  * Program Assistant -- Iowa Environmental Mesonet
>  * http://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu
>  */