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Re: 20020807: nex2gini dumps core occasionally, also man page correction


Actually I was thinking about the problem you were having with crnexz.c (instead
of crnids.c). I found the problem with the bad radials and fixed that code
so that crnexz would correctly handle the products.

I thought I sent it to you. Hmmmmm....since you had the dbx output showing
crnids, are you using the data uncompressed with some other program first?
Or, do you need $GEMPAK/source/driver/active/gn/crnexz.c? I've attatched that.

If you are uncompressing first....better check that code.



I found that one culprit is the GRB N0R product for 1620Z.
It has a bad radial. If you try to display it with gpmap,
the program will output the "bad radial" message. The
display of the image stops at that point. This probably means that
there is garbage in the display structure that nex2gini is
reading when creating the composites. I probably have to explicitly
zero out the display (eg clear the virtual display first).

Now that I have a sample image to use, I should be able to correct that.

Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support

>From: address@hidden (Pete Pokrandt)
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200206171644.g5HGiMJ15399

>Ever since the NCEP server switchover on Friday, (dunno if
>it's related, but that's when I first noticed the problem)
>the 1km GINI composite images have contained noise occasionally.
>It seems to be semi-rectangular shaped, and varies from linearly
>oriented dots to wide bands of colors. For examples of what I'm
>talking about see:
>I'm SO happy with the composites, just curious about the origin of
>these artifacts.

On Wed, 7 Aug 2002, Pete Pokrandt wrote:

> In a previous message to me, you wrote:
>  >
>  >
>  >Pete,
>  >
>  >The crnids core dump I believe I fixed in the zlib uncompression when
>  >those zero length blocks were tacked on without zeroing out the memory
>  >.....this should have been the same reason that gdradr was dumping.
>  >If you patched the cdnids and relinked gdradr, you should be able to
>  >relink nex2gini too.
> I don't think I ever patched crnids, my gdradr was still dumping core
> pretty regularly.  Can you point me in the direction of the
> patch (if you have a chance, sounds like you're busier even than
> usual!) or just send me a copy of the current prog and I can diff
> them?
> Thanks,
> Pete
> --
> +>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<+
> ^ Pete Pokrandt                    V 1447  AOSS Bldg  1225 W Dayton St^
> ^ Systems Programmer               V Madison,         WI     53706    ^
> ^                                  V      address@hidden       ^
> ^ Dept of Atmos & Oceanic Sciences V (608) 262-3086 (Phone/voicemail) ^
> ^ University of Wisconsin-Madison  V       262-0166 (Fax)             ^
> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<+>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+
#include "geminc.h"
#include "gemprm.h"

#include "imgdef.h"
#include "zlib.h"

#define CHECK_ERR(err, msg) { \
    if (err != Z_OK) { \
        printf("%s error: %d\n", msg, err); \
    } \

 * crnexz.c                                                             *
 *                                                                      *
 * CONTENTS:                                                            *

#define MXRADL  232

void crnexz ( char filnam[], int *iret )
 * crnexz                                                               *
 *                                                                      *
 * This subroutine reads the image data from a zlib NIDS format file.   *
 *                                                                      *
 * crnexz ( filnam, iret )                                              *
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *      filnam[]        char            Name of image file              *
 *                                                                      *
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 *      *iret           int             Return code                     *
 *                                      G_NORMAL = normal return        *
 *                                      G_NIMGFL = cannot open/read img *
 *                                      G_NMEMRY = memory alloc failure *
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * S. Chiswell/Unidata  11/00   Created from crnids.c                   *
 * S. Chiswell/Unidata  12/00   Added realloc check                     *
 * S. Chiswell/Unidata   3/01   Fix inflateEnd memory leak              *
 * S. Chiswell/Unidata   4/01   Check for bad radial lengths            *
 * S. Chiswell/Unidata   6/02   Zero out uncompr memory                 *

        FILE            *fp;
        char            newfil[160],*defdir=NULL;
        long            lofset;
        int             i, ib, ier, nswp, iii, itemp;
        unsigned int    nbend, drun, dcode;
        unsigned short  numr, length, rstang, rdlang, run, ir;
        unsigned char   *rwdptr, *imdptr, radial[MXRADL];

        int             ierr;
        long            flen;

        int             nbytes, err, zoff, j, ccblen, nfail;
        unsigned char   b1,b2;
        char            *barr=NULL;
        char            *boff;

        char            errstr[80];
        static char     errgrp[]="NEXZ";

         * ZLIB decompression variables
        z_stream        d_stream;
        uLong           lentot, lenout;
        static uLong    uncomprLen = 0;
        static Byte     *uncompr = NULL;

        *iret = G_NORMAL;

 *      Get the file size.
        cfl_inqr ( filnam, defdir, &flen, newfil, &ierr );

 *      Open the input file.
        fp =  cfl_ropn ( filnam, defdir, &ierr );
        if  ( ierr != 0 )  {
            *iret = G_NIMGFL;

 *      Prepare the arrays for the uncompressed data.
        if  ( ( uncompr == (Byte *)NULL ) ||
              ( uncomprLen < (imldat+imdoff+128) ) )  {
            if  ( uncompr != (Byte *)NULL )  {
                free ( uncompr );

 *          Add 128 to total size for CCB, WMO & PIL
            uncomprLen = imldat + imdoff + 128;
            uncompr = (Byte *) calloc ( uncomprLen, sizeof(Byte) ); 

            if  ( uncompr == (Byte *)NULL )  {
                *iret = G_NMEMRY;
                uncomprLen = 0;
        else {
 *      Zero out the uncompr memory previously allocated
           memset (uncompr, 0, uncomprLen);

 *      Read the file.
        barr = (char *) malloc ( flen * sizeof(char) );
        cfl_read ( fp, flen, (unsigned char *)barr, &nbytes, &ierr );

 *      Close the file.
        cfl_clos ( fp, &ierr );

        if  ( nbytes == flen )  {
            lentot = 0;
            lenout = 0;
            boff = barr + imprsz;

 *          Continue processing while the total length is less 
 *          than the number of bytes for the product.
            while  ( lentot < nbytes - imprsz - 4 )  {

                d_stream.zalloc = (alloc_func) 0;
                d_stream.zfree  = (free_func) 0;
                d_stream.opaque = (voidpf) 0;
                d_stream.next_in   = (Byte *)(boff + lentot);
                d_stream.avail_in  = nbytes - imprsz - lentot;

                err = inflateInit ( &d_stream );
                CHECK_ERR ( err, "inflateInit" );

                d_stream.next_out  = uncompr + lenout;
                d_stream.avail_out = (uInt)uncomprLen - lenout;

 *              If we have reached end of zlib portion, exit out of loop.
 *              There could be transmission stuff trailing the product.
                if ( ( (d_stream.next_in[0] & 0xf) != Z_DEFLATED ) ||
                     ( ( ( (d_stream.next_in[0] << 8) +
                            d_stream.next_in[1] ) % 31 ) != 0 ) )  {

                nfail = 0;
                for  (;;)  {
                    err = inflate(&d_stream, Z_NO_FLUSH);

 *                  If the end of the stream was reached, everything
 *                  is OK, break out of the loop.
                    if  ( err == Z_STREAM_END )  break; 

                    if  ( nfail == 0 )  {

 *                      If we failed, try to allocate enough memory
 *                      for another block, which might be needed
 *                      if the NIDS product has extra sections.

                        err = inflateEnd ( &d_stream );
                        CHECK_ERR ( err, "inflateEnd" );

                        d_stream.zalloc = (alloc_func) 0;
                        d_stream.zfree  = (free_func) 0;
                        d_stream.opaque = (voidpf) 0;

                        uncomprLen += 5000;
                        uncompr = (Byte *) realloc (uncompr, uncomprLen);
                        d_stream.next_in   = (Byte *)(boff + lentot);
                        d_stream.avail_in  = nbytes - imprsz - lentot;

                        err = inflateInit ( &d_stream );
                        CHECK_ERR ( err, "inflateInit" );

                        d_stream.next_out  = uncompr + lenout;
                        d_stream.avail_out += 5000;



                    CHECK_ERR ( err, "large inflate" );
                    *iret = G_NMEMRY;
                    free ( barr );

                lentot += d_stream.total_in;
                lenout += d_stream.total_out;
                err = inflateEnd ( &d_stream );
                CHECK_ERR ( err, "inflateEnd" );

 *          Strip off CCB, WMO and PIL inside compressed product
            b1 = uncompr[0];
            b2 = uncompr[1];

            ccblen = 2 * (((b1 & 63) << 8) + b2);

            zoff = ccblen;

            for  ( j = 0; j < 2; j++ )  {
                while ( ( zoff < lenout ) &&
                        ( uncompr[zoff] != '\n') )  {

            lofset = (long) imdoff + zoff;

 *      Free the original data pointer
        barr = NULL;

 *      Set the data pointer at image portion of uncompressed product
        rwdptr = uncompr + lofset;

 *      Read the number of radials (radial products) or rows (raster
 *      products) and the product data
        numr = (rwdptr[0] << 8) + rwdptr[1];

 *      Set pointers to raw data and image data arrays
        imdptr = imgData;
 *      Handle raster products
        if  ( imrdfl == 0 )  {

 *          Skip packing descriptor
            rwdptr += 2;
 *          Loop over the number of rows
            for ( ir = 0; ir < numr; ir++ )  {
                length = *((unsigned short *)rwdptr);

                if  ( imbswp )  {
                    nswp = 1;
                    itemp = length;
                    ier = mv_swp2 ( &nswp, &itemp, &itemp );
                    length = (unsigned short)itemp;

                rwdptr += 2;
 *              Run Length decode this line
                iii = 0;
                for ( run = 0; run < length; run++ )  {         
                    drun  = *rwdptr >> 4;
                    dcode = *rwdptr & 0xf;

                    if  ( iii > imnpix )  {
                        *iret = G_NIMGFMT;

                    for ( i = 0; i < drun; i++ )  {
                        *imdptr++ = dcode; 
 *              Make sure the line is completed.
                for ( i = iii; i < imnpix; i++ )
                        *imdptr++ = 0; 
 *      Handle radial products
        else {

 *          Set beam ends to zero for rasterization overflows
 *          (I don't know if we really need this.)
            nbend = imnpix / 2;
            radial [nbend] = 0;
            radial [nbend+1] = 0;
 *          Loop over the number of radials
            for ( ir = 0; ir < numr; ir++ ) {           
                length = *((unsigned short *) rwdptr);
                rstang = *((unsigned short *) (rwdptr + 2));
                rdlang = *((unsigned short *) (rwdptr + 4));

                if  ( imbswp )  {
                    nswp = 1;

                    itemp = length;
                    ier = mv_swp2 ( &nswp, &itemp, &itemp );
                    length = (unsigned short)itemp;

                    itemp = rstang;
                    ier = mv_swp2 ( &nswp, &itemp, &itemp );
                    rstang = (unsigned short)itemp;

                    itemp = rdlang;
                    ier = mv_swp2 ( &nswp, &itemp, &itemp );
                    rdlang = (unsigned short)itemp;

                rwdptr += 6;

 *              Run Length decode this radial
                ib = 0;
                for ( run = 0; run < (unsigned short)(2*length); run++ )  {
                    if  (rwdptr > uncompr+uncomprLen )  {
                        sprintf ( errstr, "bad radial [%d %d]",
                        ierr = 1;
                        er_wmsg ( errgrp, &ierr, errstr, &ier, 
                                  strlen(errgrp), strlen(errstr) );
                    drun  = *rwdptr >> 4;
                    dcode = *rwdptr & 0xf;
                    for ( i = 0; i < drun; i++ )  {
                        if  ( ib < MXRADL )  {
                            radial[ib++] = dcode;
 *              Insert this radial in the rasterized image
                crastr ( radial, ib, imnpix,
                         (float)rstang/10., (float)rdlang/10., &ier);

