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20010814: GEMPAK Barnes upper-air analysis of CAPE?


If you are going to use OAGRID to create the grid file, you
need to specify a SNPARM (eg tmpc; dwpc; hght; uwnd or vwnd)
so that the program can determine the mean station spacing of reporting 
locations (set the DELTA_ values to blank prior to running. Otherwise,
if you already know the DELTA values you want, you can use
GDCFIL to create the grid file. I think your FL -13 warning is OK- it 
likely is emmited be checking for the alias first

Then, in OABSND, you need at least one level parameter (SNPARM) in addition 
to your STNDEX values you will grid.

For example:
 GDFILE   = test.grd
 DELTAN   = 
 DELTAX   = 
 GRDAREA  = us
 EXTEND   = 2;2;2;2
 SOURCE   = sn
 SNFILE   = uair
 SFFILE   =  
 SNPARM   = tmpc;dwpc
 SFPARM   =  
 DATTIM   = 1200
 LEVELS   = 500
 MAXGRD   = 1000


 GRIDAREA           19.00   -119.00     46.90    -57.62  (us     47.00  -56.00)
 DELTAN              3.730
 DELTAX              1.860
 DELTAY              1.860

 GRID POINTS     X :  34  ( 2, 2 )        Y :  16  ( 2, 2 )
 EXTENDAREA           15.28   -122.72     50.62    -53.90
 DATAAREA             15.28   -122.72     50.62    -53.90

   FILE      $GEMDATA/upperair/20010814_upa.gem                            
 SOURCE    SN               19.00   -119.00     47.00    -56.00       NSTN   79
   PARM      TMPC        LEVEL    0.0        DATTIM       010814/1200         

     COMPUTED DATA SPACING           2.548
     UNIFORM  DATA SPACING           4.904
     RECOMMENDED   DELTAN =  3.726   DELTAX =  2.221   DELTAY =  1.863

Enter <cr> to accept parameters or type EXIT:

 SNFILE   = uair
 GDFILE   = test.grd
 SNPARM   = tmpc;dwpc
 STNDEX   = cape
 LEVELS   = 500
 VCOORD   = pres
 DATTIM   = 1200
 GUESS    =  
 GAMMA    = 0.3
 SEARCH   = 50/EX
 NPASS    = 2
 QCNTL    =  


 Output grid file:        test.grd
 Number of x, y points:    34    16
 Grid bnds:     19.00  -119.00    46.90   -57.62 Grid xtnd:    2   2   2   2
 Station spacing:           3.73
 No first guess file is requested. 
 Sounding file:           $GEMDATA/upperair/20010814_upa.gem
 Data area:               15.28;-122.72;50.62;-53.90
 Level parameters:        TMPC  DWPC
 QC threshold:             0.0   0.0
 Levels:                   500
 Vertical coordinate:     pres                                                  
 Station parameters:      CAPE
 Time:                   010814/1200         
 GAMMA: 0.30   SEARCH:  50.00  NPASS:  2
 Data extrapolation may occur. 
Enter <cr> to accept parameters or type EXIT:

 Processing data at time 010814/1200         

 RMS values for pass  1
   LEVEL:          500     500       0
   RMS:           1.16    8.21  397.47
   #STN:            79      79      79

 RMS values for pass  2
   LEVEL:          500     500       0
   RMS:           0.64    4.99  229.18
   #STN:            79      79      79

You should now be able to plot your cape grid using 

Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support

>From: Christian Page <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200108141425.f7EEPK125035

>I am trying to create a Barnes upper-air analysis of CAPE, but I am still
>struggling with OAGRID. I tried to do the same commands that I use for height
>analysis, but it doesn't work.
>Here is what I get from OAGRID:
> GDFILE    Grid file
> DELTAN    Station spacing                   3.50
> DELTAX    X spacing                         1.75
> DELTAY    Y spacing                         1.75
> GRDAREA   Area covered by grid              26;-20;62;40
> EXTEND    Points to extend grid             2;2;2;2
> DTAAREA   Data area for OA                  26;-20;62;40
> SOURCE    Data source (SN or SF)            SN
> SNFILE    Sounding data file                $GEMUPA/20010813_upa.gem
> SFFILE    Surface data file
> SNPARM    Sounding parameter list
> SFPARM    Surface parameter list
> DATTIM    Date/time                         010813/00
> LEVELS    Vertical levels                   500
> MAXGRD    Maximum number of grids           5000
>$GEMUPA/20010813_upa.gem is defined correctly and is a valid file.
>I then get: [FL -13]  No valid file for given type and cycle time.
>/io/httpd/gempak/grids/europe_upa_cape.grid is non-existent prior to running
>oagrid, but it is create anyway even with the error.
>Then, oabsnd:
> SNFILE    Sounding data file                $GEMUPA/20010814_upa.gem
> GDFILE    Grid file
> SNPARM    Sounding parameter list
> STNDEX    Stability indices                 cape
> LEVELS    Vertical levels                   500
> VCOORD    Vertical coordinate type          PRES
> DATTIM    Date/time                         010814/00
> DTAAREA   Data area for OA                  26;-20;62;40
> GUESS     Guess file*time
> GAMMA     Convergence parameter             0.3
> SEARCH    Search radius/Extrapolation       20/EX
> NPASS     Number of passes                  2
> QCNTL     Quality control threshold
>then gdcntr (failure):
> GDATTIM   Grid date/time                    010813/00
> GLEVEL    Grid level                        ALL
> GVCORD    Grid vertical coordinate          PRES
> GFUNC     Scalar grid                       cape
> GDFILE    Grid file
> CINT      Contour interval/min/max          0
> LINE      Color/type/width/label/smth/fltr  15 / 3 / 2
> MAP       Map color/dash/width/filter flag  1
> TITLE     Title color/line/title
> DEVICE    Device|name|x size;y size|color   PS | eur_cape.ps | 11;8.5 | C
> SATFIL    Satellite image filename(s)
> RADFIL    Radar image filename(s)
> PROJ      Map projection/angles/margins|dr  nps
> GAREA     Graphics area                     #45;14;13;23
> CLEAR     Clear screen flag                 yes
> PANEL     Panel loc/color/dash/width/regn   0
> TEXT      Size/fnt/wdth/brdr/N-rot/just/hw  1
> SCALE     Scalar scale / vector scale       0
> LATLON    Line color/dash/width/label/inc   0
> HILO      Color/symbol/rng/rad/cnt/intp     2;4/H#;L#///yes
> HLSYM     HILO txt size/posn/font/wdth/hw   2;1/2/2/HW
> CLRBAR    Color/ornt/anch/x;y/ln;wd/freq
> CONTUR    Subbox/smooth                     0
> SKIP      Skip_cntr/skip_plt_x;skip_plt_y   0
> FINT      Fill interval/min/max             0
> FLINE     Fill colors                       10-20
> CTYPE     Contour type:  C/F                C
> LUTFIL    Enhancement lookup table filenam
> STNPLT    Txtc/txt attr|marker attr|stnfil
>[TG -4]  No times in input file.
> [TG -4]  No times in input file.
> [GR -20]  No times selected.
>Any idea what's wrong? I tried to do the same as my height objective analysis,
>but it doesn't work...
>Christian Page