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20010510: Ghost of Y2K?

>From: Werner Wintels <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200105102222.f4AMM4p15977

>We're trying to create data for 29 Feb 2000 on an old computer (gdat = 
>000229/0000) in GEMPAK 5.2 and it just isn't 
>working. GEMPAK probably thinks we're trying to create data for 29 Feb 1900, 
>which is a non-existant date (1900 not being a leap year!).
>If we try to pack the date 000229/0000 in newer versions of GEMPAK, will 
>it work? 
>Thanks once more!
>Werner Wintels 
>Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
>McGill University    
>Montreal, Canada

Previous to GEMPAK 5.4 patch12, there is a bug in the leap year calculation-
recall, a leap year is divisible 4, except 00 years, except 00 every
400 years. Since 2000 is divisible by 400, it is a leap year. That check
failed in older versions of the library. There are lots of other bugs
that have been fixed since 5.2 as well.

The current version of GEMPAK is 5.6.C.

Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support