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Re: 20001215: sfcntr bug


I think the problem lies in the fact that a "grid" is defined on one of
the standard angular projections and not RAD or SAT projections using the
gsmprj() call in sfcntr.

I have worked around this now, so that if SAT or RAD is the projection
of the display, the grid is created on a CED projection using the LL and UR
bounds of the image. The grid can always be projected to the image 
coordinates for display (similarly, I don't think you can run GDCFIL
and get a meaningful grid with PROJ=SAT).

I have attatched updated sfcntr.f and oagagn.f for the
$GEMPAK/source/programs/sf/sfcntr directory.

I will make these routines part of the GEMPAK5.6a release, but
you can try them out now if you have the chance.

Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support

On Mon, 18 Dec 2000, Unidata Support wrote:

> ------- Forwarded Message
> >To: address@hidden (Unidata Support)
> >From: David Ovens <address@hidden>
> >Subject: Re: 20001215: 20001214: sfcntr bug
> >Organization: UCAR/Unidata
> >Keywords: 200012181652.eBIGq4o06335
> Unidata Support wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > David,
> > 
> > One thing to check if you are trying to use
> > a satellite image as the projection is that the garea specified allows
> > the grid to be created within the projection.
> > 
> > The sfcntr.f call to OAGAGN uses ' ' as the extend area of the grid,
> > which will default to 2;2;2;2. If the garea is dset then the 2 grid rows
> > extended may be outside the projection. I may have to change the
> > passed parameter to '0;0;0;0' for these cases.
> > 
> > In general, the 2 grid rows extended past the grid allow for smoother 
> > contours
> > near the boundaries. But this may be a problem with satellite images.
> > Also, if the mean station spacing is large, then the grid
> > rows may extend far outside the projection causing the error.
> > 
> > The satellite file you specify nw_washington, I don't now what the area 
> > bounds
> > are so I can't make any guesses here. 
> > 
> > Does sfcntr work when sat isn't the projection? 
> > 
> > Steve Chiswell
> Steve,
> As you'll see in the example script that I sent (also available at
> http://www.atmos.washington.edu/~ovens/sfcntr_bug/sfcntr_bug.csh),
> Method 4, specifying PROJ = MER does enable the program to work, but
> only on the SUN.  We NEVER get any contours plotted on the DEC, no
> matter what.  The updated version of the DEC sfcntr does at least give
> the following information when PROJ=MER, indicating that it is at
> least finding data,
> Enter <cr> to accept parameters or type EXIT:
>  Using           46x          51 grid.
>  Barnes Pass:            1
>  RMS:    11.60851     Number of stations:          109
>  Barnes Pass:            2
>  RMS:    1.502328     Number of stations:          109
> It also displays this when PROJ=SAT:
> Enter <cr> to accept parameters or type EXIT:
>  Using           46x          51 grid.
>  Barnes Pass:            1
>  RMS:    11.62093     Number of stations:          107
>  Barnes Pass:            2
>  RMS:    1.514042     Number of stations:          107
> But there are no contours drawn!
> The nw_namerica satellite file is retrievable from the Web as you can
> see in the sfcntr_bug.csh script in the top.  Plotted in GARP, it
> looks like the borders of that image, namely,
>   LL  40N, 130W
>   UL  60N, 130W
>   UR  60N, 100W
>   LR  40N, 100W
> provide ample foom for the garea of
>  GAREA    = 44.75;-125;50.8;-116.75
> Thanks for looking into this.
> David
> --
> David Ovens           e-mail: address@hidden
> (206) 685-8108          plan: Real-time MM5 forecasting for Pacific Northwest
> Research Meteorologist
> Dept of Atmospheric Sciences, Box 351640
> University of Washington 
> Seattle, WA  98195
> ------- End of Forwarded Message
C* This program plots surface data on a map.                            *
C*                                                                      *
C* Log:                                                                 *
C* I. Graffman/RDS       8/87   GEMPAK4                                 *
C* M. desJardins/GSFC    6/88   Rewrote                                 *
C* G. Huffman/GSC        1/89   Note for SCALE in [-100,-5],[5,100],    *
C*                              filter in N coord.                      *
C* M. desJardins/GSFC   11/89   Added conditions and STIM               *
C* M. desJardins/GSFC    1/90   Add SKPMIS                              *
C* S. Schotz/GSC         4/90   Added capability to plot weather/cloud  *
C*                              symbols, also cleaned up somewhat       *
C* S. Schotz/GSC         5/90   Will now plot markers when all other    *
C*                              parameters are not plotted              *
C* M. desJardins/GSFC    7/90   Added LATLON                            *
C* S. Schotz/GSC         8/90   Removed scale added display of          *
C*                              conditions in title, and screen output  *
C* J. Whistler/SSAI      7/91   Moved parm cond. filter out of SFMPLT   *
C*                              and placed before station filter        *
C* S. Jacobs/SSAI       10/91   Changed PANEL to *48                    *
C* S. Jacobs/SSAI       10/91   Added capability to plot certain        *
C*                              stations before filtering.              *
C* M. desJardins/NMC    10/91   Check for state name; list of stations  *
C* K. Brill/NMC         11/91   Add John Nielsen's flexible filter and  *
C*                              changes for removing WIND input parm    *
C*                              and getting barb/arrow info from SFPARM *
C* S. Jacobs/EAI         6/92   Fixed call to SFMPLT to send lat/lon    *
C* S. Jacobs/EAI        10/92   Fixed typo in call to PC_SSTN           *
C* S. Jacobs/EAI        11/92   Added call to GMESG and 'shrttl'        *
C* S. Jacobs/NMC         3/94   Added satellite display routines        *
C* L. Williams/EAI       3/94   Clean up declarations of user input     *
C*                              variables                               *
C* S. Jacobs/NMC         6/94   DEVICE*24 --> *72                       *
C* S. Jacobs/NMC         6/94   COLORS*24 --> *72                       *
C* L. Williams/EAI       7/94   Removed call to SFMUPD and added shrttl *
C*                              to the user input variables             *
C* S. Jacobs/NMC         8/94   Added GSTANM, GSPLOT for animation      *
C* P. Bruehl/Unidata     8/94   Added logical first, prompt only once   *
C* J. Cowie/COMET        8/94   Modified for multiple sat image looping *
C* M. desJardins/NMC     8/94   Added ST_FLST                           *
C* L. Williams/EAI       9/94   Grouped title code together             *
C* S. Jacobs/NMC         9/94   Moved the title plotting to the end     *
C* S. Jacobs/NMC        10/94   Added GR_MTTL to create the title       *
C* J. Cowie/COMET        1/95   Added SATFIL and RADFIL                 *
C* S. Jacobs/NMC         2/95   Moved IN_TEXT to before setting proj    *
C* J. Cowie/COMET        8/95   Change GSATIM to IM_DROP, add IM_LUTF,  *
C*                              use idrpfl                              *
C* D. Plummer/NCEP      11/95   Added LUTFIL processing                 *
C* D. Keiser/GSC        12/95   Added STNPLT as a parameter             *
C* D. Keiser/GSC         8/96   Added FL_MFIL to search for file type   *
C* K. Tyle/GSC           8/96   Added ER_WMSG call after FL_MFIL call   *
C* S. Jacobs/NCEP        1/97   Changed the order of IM_DROP & IM_LUTF  *
C* S. Maxwell/GSC        3/97   Added call to TB_PARM                   *
C* S. Maxwell/GSC        3/97   Removed marker and skmis                *
C* S. Maxwell/GSC        7/97   Increased input character length        *
C* D. Kidwell/NCEP       2/98   Added color coding capability           *
C* A. Hardy/GSC          1/99   Added grouping calls for station models *
C* A. Hardy/GSC          2/99   Increased variable parms from 72 to 128 *
C* S. Jacobs/NCEP        3/99   Changed calls to SFMPRM and SFMPLT      *
C* A. Hardy/GSC          3/99   Added priority parameter to PC_SSTN     *
C* A. Hardy/GSC          3/99   Added priority parameter to SF_SNXT     *
C* A. Hardy/GSC          3/99   Removed ispri = 0                       *
C* S. Jacobs/NCEP        3/99   Changed chd from 8 char to 12 char      *
C* S. Jacobs/NCEP        3/99   Added Med Range station model group type*
C* S. Jacobs/NCEP        5/99   Added the CLRBAR parameter              *
        INCLUDE         'GEMPRM.PRM'
        CHARACTER       sffile*(LLMXLN), area*(LLMXLN), garea*(LLMXLN),
     +                  sfparm*(LLMXLN), dattim*(LLMXLN),
     +                  colors*(LLMXLN), map*(LLMXLN), title*(LLMXLN),
     +                  device*(LLMXLN), filter*(LLMXLN), proj*(LLMXLN),
     +                  panel*(LLMXLN), text*(LLMXLN), latlon*(LLMXLN),
     +                  shrttl*(LLMXLN), satfil*(LLMXLN),
     +                  radfil*(LLMXLN), lutfil*(LLMXLN),
     +                  stnplt*(LLMXLN), clrbar*(LLMXLN), 
     +                  cntrprm*(LLMXLN), ucntrprm*(LLMXLN),nproj*72,
     +                  gamma*(LLMXLN), linetyp*(LLMXLN), contur*(LLMXLN),
     +                  weight*(LLMXLN), cnpass*(LLMXLN), cintc*(LLMXLN)
        LOGICAL         clear
        CHARACTER       sffcur*72, arecur*48, datcur*48, filnam*72
        CHARACTER       pmdset (MMPARM)*4, parms*128, colrs*(LLMXLN)
        CHARACTER       prmlst (MMPARM)*4, times (LLMXTM)*15
        CHARACTER       tstn*8, sta*8, ttlstr*48, ttt*72
        CHARACTER       prcons (MMPARM)*16, chd (MMPARM)*12
        CHARACTER       area1*48, area2*48, ttlinp*72, shrtin*72
        CHARACTER       imgfls(MXLOOP)*132, uprj*72, endflg*1
        INTEGER         icolor (MMPARM), iscale (MMPARM)
        INTEGER         numccc (MMPARM), icclrs (MMPARM*LLCLEV)
        INTEGER         icrprm (MMPARM)
        LOGICAL         respnd, done, proces, newfil, chrflg (MMPARM)
        LOGICAL         wndflg, plot
        REAL            offset (4), sxplt (LLSTFL), outd (MMPARM)
        REAL            syplt (LLSTFL), data (MMPARM)
        REAL            ccvals (MMPARM*LLCLEV)
        REAL            clats(LLSTFL),clons(LLSTFL),convals(1,LLSTFL),
     +                  srow(LLSTFL),scol(LLSTFL)
        REAL            gelt(LLMXGD),geln(LLMXGD),coslt(LLMXGD),
     +                  cosstn(LLSTFL),rgrid(1,LLMXGD)
        REAL            cints(200), gltln(4), sinvls(1,LLSTFL)
        REAL            grltln(4), eltln(4), dltln(4),rms
        INTEGER         ncvals, iextend(4),isn(1)
        INTEGER         icolr(200),itype(200),iwidth(200),ilabel(200)
        INTEGER         kx, ky, kex, key
        REAL            deltax, deltay
        CHARACTER       extnd*10
        LOGICAL         first
        CALL IP_INIT  ( respnd, iperr )
        IF  ( iperr .eq. 0 )  THEN
            CALL GG_INIT  ( 1, iperr )
        END IF 
        IF  ( iperr .eq. 0 )  THEN
            done = .false.
            done = .true.
        END IF
        CALL IP_IDNT  ( 'SFCNTR', ier )
        DO WHILE  ( .not. done )
            CALL SFMINP  ( sffile, area, garea, sfparm, dattim, colors,
     +                     map, title, clear, device, proj, filter,
     +                     panel, text, latlon, satfil, radfil,
     +                     lutfil, stnplt, clrbar, cntrprm, gamma,
     +                     linetyp, contur, weight, cnpass, cintc,
     +                     iperr )
            IF  ( iperr .lt. 0 )  THEN
                done = .true.
                proces = .false.
                proces = .true.
            END IF
C*          Set up device and projection.
            IF ( proces ) THEN
                CALL GG_SDEV  ( device, iret )
                IF  ( iret .ne. 0 )  proces = .false.
C*              Set text.
                CALL IN_TEXT ( text, ier )
C*              If projection=SAT or RAD, see if multiple image files
C*              have been specified.
                CALL ST_LCUC ( proj, uprj, ier )
                IF  ( uprj (1:3) .eq. 'SAT' )  THEN
                    CALL ST_FLST  ( satfil, ';', ' ', MXLOOP, imgfls,
     +                             numimg, ier )
                ELSE IF  ( uprj (1:3) .eq. 'RAD' )  THEN
                    CALL ST_FLST  ( radfil, ';', ' ', MXLOOP, imgfls,
     +                             numimg, ier )
                END IF
C*              Set map projection
                CALL GG_MAPS  ( proj, garea, imgfls (1), idrpfl, iret )
                IF  ( iret .ne. 0 )  proces = .false.
C*              Process filename.
                CALL FL_MFIL ( sffile, ' ', filnam, iret )
                IF ( iret .ne. 0 ) CALL ER_WMSG ( 'FL', iret, ' ', ier )
                CALL SFMFIL  ( filnam, sffcur, iflno, newfil, pmdset, 
     +                         npmdst, iret )
                IF  ( iret .ne. 0 )  proces = .false.
            END IF
C*          Process text, title, filter and parms.
            IF  ( proces )  THEN              
                CALL IN_FILT ( filter, filtfc, ier )
                CALL TB_PARM ( sfparm, parms, colrs, iret )
                IF ( iret .lt. 0 ) THEN
                   CALL ER_WMSG ( 'TB', iret, ' ', ier )
                   proces = .false.
                ELSE IF ( iret .eq. 2 ) THEN
                   parms = sfparm
                   colrs = colors
                   IF ( colors .ne. ' ' ) colrs = colors
                END IF
            END IF
            IF  ( proces )  THEN              
C*              Process parameter names and colors.
                CALL SFMPRM  ( parms, pmdset, npmdst, colrs,
     +                         prmlst, chrflg, ncprm, prcons, wndflg,
     +                         icolor, ccvals, icclrs, numccc, icrprm,
     +                         iaddcl, endflg, ier )
                if(cntrprm .ne. ' ') then
                   CALL ST_LCUC (cntrprm, ucntrprm, ier)
                   CALL ST_FIND (ucntrprm, prmlst, ncprm, icntrpos, ier )
                   icntrpos = 0
                end if
C*              Determine whether any data will be plotted.
                IF (ncprm .eq. 0) THEN
                   plot = .false.
                   plot = .true.
                END IF
C*              Get offsets for filtering.
                IF  ( ( filtfc .ne. 0. ) .and. plot ) 
     +             CALL SFMCOF ( ncprm - iaddcl, prmlst, wndflg,
     +                           filtfc, offset, ier )
C*              Take care of the special case of plotting a list of 
C*              stations before plotting an area with the filter on.
                ipos2 = INDEX ( area, '/' )
                IF  ( area(1:1) .eq. '@' .and. ( ipos2 .gt. 4 ) ) THEN
                    area1 = area(:ipos2-1)
                    area2 = area(ipos2+1:)
                    iloop = 1
                    area1 = area
                    iloop = 2
                END IF
C*              Set area and get times to be processed.
                CALL LC_UARE  ( area1, newfil, iflno, arecur, tstn, 
     +                          ier )
                IF  ( ier .ne. 0 )  proces = .false.
                CALL SFMDAT  ( dattim, iflno, newfil,
     +                         datcur, ntime, times,  ier )
                IF  ( ier .ne. 0 )  proces = .false.
            END IF
C*          Begin processing if inputs are ok. 
            itime = 1
C*          Plot all times even if there are no images.
C*          Loop over times.
            DO WHILE  ( proces )
C*            Set the current pixmap.
C*            If this is the first time, go to the first pixmap.
C*            If it is not the first time, go to the next pixmap.
              IF  ( itime .eq. 1 )  THEN
                  CALL GSTANM ( iret )
                  first = .true.
                  CALL GSPLOT ( iret )
                  first = .false.
C*                Set the map projection for each image
                  IF  ( uprj (1:3) .eq. 'SAT' .or. 
     +                  uprj (1:3) .eq. 'RAD' )
     +                  CALL GG_MAPS  ( proj, garea, imgfls (itime),
     +                                  idrpfl, iret )
               END IF
               nplot = 0
               ncvals = 0
               CALL SF_STIM  ( iflno, times (itime), ier )
C*             Give the user a chance to exit
               IF ( first )
     +             CALL SFMOPT ( sffcur, times (itime), device,
     +                           proj, area, garea, ncprm, prcons,
     +                           icolor, map, title, clear, filtfc, 
     +                           itime, panel, ccvals, icclrs, numccc,
     +                           icrprm, iaddcl, iopt )
               IF  ( iopt .lt. 0 )  proces = .false.
C*             Process clear, define panel, set up filtering and 
C*             draw map.
               IF  ( proces )  THEN
                  IF  ( clear )  CALL GCLEAR  ( iret )
                  CALL GG_PANL  ( panel, ier )
C*                Apply LUT file
                  IF ( itime .eq. 1 ) CALL IM_LUTF ( lutfil, ier )
C*                Display satellite image, if desired.
                  IF ( idrpfl .eq. 1 .or. 
     +               ( idrpfl .eq. 0 .and. clear ) )
     +                  CALL IM_DROP ( iret)
C*                Draw map, lat/lon lines, and station ID/marker.
                  CALL GG_MAP  ( map, ier )
                  CALL GG_LTLN ( latlon, ier )
                  CALL GG_SPLT ( stnplt, iret ) 
C*                 Intialize coordinate arrays for filtering.
                   IF  ( ( filtfc .ne. 0. ) .and. plot )  THEN
                       DO  m = 1, LLSTFL
                           sxplt (m) = RMISSD
                           syplt (m) = RMISSD
                       END DO
                   END IF
C*                 For special plotting, change the area on the 
C*                 second time through.
                   DO  lll = iloop, 2
                     IF  ( ( lll .eq. 2 ) .and. ( iloop .eq. 1 ) )
     +                                                   THEN
                       CALL LC_UARE  ( area2, newfil, iflno, 
     +                                 arecur, tstn, ier )
                       IF  ( ier .ne. 0 )  plot = .false.
                     END IF
C*                   Station loop.
                     iout = 0
                     DO  WHILE  ( plot .and. (iout .eq. 0) )
                         CALL SF_SNXT ( iflno, sta, id, slat, 
     +                                  slon, selv, ispri, iout )
                         IF  ( iout .eq. 0 )  THEN
C*                           Get the data.
                             CALL SF_RDAT ( iflno, data, ihhmm, ier )
C*                           Check for missing data and filter.
                             IF  ( ier .eq. 0 ) THEN
                                 CALL PC_SSTN ( sta, id, slat, slon, 
     +                                          selv, ispri, ihhmm, 1, 
     +                                          ier )
                                 CALL PC_CMVS ( 0., 0, data, 
     +                                          outd, chd, ier )
                             END IF
                             IF  ( ier .eq. 0 ) THEN
C*                              Convert to plot coordinates.
                                CALL GTRANS  ( 'M', 'P', 1, slat, slon,
     +                                          sx, sy, ier )
C*                              Filter, if requested.
                                IF  ( ( filtfc .ne. 0. ) .and.
     +                                ( lll .eq. 2 ) ) THEN
                                   CALL SFMOVR  ( sx, sy, sxplt, syplt,
     +                                            nplot, offset, ier )
C*                                 Save x/y for no overlap.
                                   IF  ( ier .eq. 0 )  THEN
                                      nplot = nplot + 1
                                      sxplt (nplot) = sx
                                      syplt (nplot) = sy
                                   END IF
                                 ELSE IF  ( ( filtfc .ne. 0. ) ) THEN
                                   nplot = nplot + 1
                                   sxplt (nplot) = sx
                                   syplt (nplot) = sy
                                 END IF
                             END IF
C*                           Plot if we are ok to here.
                             IF  ( ier .eq. 0 )  THEN
C*                              Group a "normal" station model as
C*                              group type 10. The Medium Range AFOS
C*                              products are group type 11.
                                CALL ST_FIND ( 'TPFC', prmlst, ncprm,
     +                                          ipos, ier )
                                IF  ( ipos .eq. 0 )  THEN
                                    igroup = 10
                                    igroup = 11
                                END IF
                                CALL GSGRP  ( igroup, iret )
                                if(icntrpos .ne. 0) then
                                   ncvals = ncvals + 1
                                   clats(ncvals) = slat
                                   clons(ncvals) = slon
                                   convals(1,ncvals) = outd(icntrpos)
                                CALL SFMPLT ( icolor, sx, sy, slat, 
     +                                        slon, chrflg, prmlst, 
     +                                        ncprm, outd, chd, 
     +                                        ccvals, icclrs, numccc,
     +                                        icrprm, endflg, ier )
                                CALL GEGRP  ( iret )
                             END IF
                         END IF
                     END DO

C*                   See if we need to contour
                     if(ncvals .gt. 0) then
                        CALL GQMPRJ(nproj, rang1, rang2, rang3,
     +                              rlatll, rlonll, rlatur, rlonur,ier)
C*                      Get Station Spacing
                        gltln(1) = rlatll
                        gltln(2) = rlonll
                        gltln(3) = rlatur
                        gltln(4) = rlonur
                        CALL OAGSPC(gltln,clats,clons,ncvals,dscomp,
     +                                  dsunif,ier)
                        deltan = ( dscomp + dsunif ) / 2.
                        deltay = deltan / 2.
                        deltax = deltay / COS ( ( (gltln(1) + gltln(3) ) 
     +                                  / 2. ) * DTR )
                        deltan = FLOAT ( NINT ( deltan * 100. )) / 100.
                        deltay = FLOAT ( NINT ( deltay * 100. )) / 100.
                        deltax = FLOAT ( NINT ( deltax * 100. )) / 100.
C*                      set extend area and base projection
                        IF  (( uprj (1:3) .eq. 'SAT' ) .or.
     +                          ( uprj (1:3) .eq. 'RAD' )) THEN
                           extnd = '0;0;0;0'
                           nproj = 'CED'
                           extnd = ' '

                        CALL OAGAGN(gltln,extnd,deltax,deltay,.false.,
     +                     grltln,etltln,iextend,kx,ky,dltln,ier)

                        write(*,*) 'Using ',kx,'x',ky,' grid.'

                        kex = kx + iextend(1) + iextend(2)
                        key = ky + iextend(3) + iextend(4)

                        CALL GSGPRJ(nproj,rang1,rang2,rang3,kx,ky,
     +                     rlatll, rlonll, rlatur, rlonur,ier)

                        CALL OA_LTLN(kex,key,iextend,gelt,geln,coslt,
     +                                  ier)
                        do i=1,ncvals
                           cosstn(i) = cos(clats(i) * DTR)
                        end do
                        CALL OA_BOXC(clats,clons,ncvals,iextend,srow,
     +                                  scol,ier)
                        do i=1,kex*key
                           rgrid(1,i) = 0
                        end do
                        CALL ST_C2R(gamma,1,rgamma,ifnd,ier)
                        if(ier .ne. 0) then
                           rgamma = .3
                           write(*,*) 'GAMMA defaulting to ',rgamma
                           if(rgamma.lt.0) rgamma = 0
                           if(rgamma.gt.1) rgamma = 1
                        CALL ST_C2R(weight,1,rsearch,ifnd,ier)
                        if(ier .ne. 0) then
                           rsearch = 20.
                           write(*,*) 'WEIGHT defaulting to ',rsearch
                           if(rsearch.le.0) rsearch = 0.01
                           if(rsearch.gt.50) rsearch = 50.
                        kexy = kex*key
                        CALL OA_WFSR(deltan,rsearch,rweight,srad,ier)
                        do i=1,ncvals
                           sinvls(1,i) = convals(1,i)
                        end do
                        CALL ST_C2I(cnpass,1,ipass,ifnd,ier)
                        if(ier .ne. 0) then
                           ipass = 2
                           write(*,*) 'NPASS defaulting to ',ipass
                           if(ipass.lt.1) ipass = 1
                           if(ipass.gt.5) ipass = 5

                        do npass=1,ipass
                           if(npass .eq. 2) then
                              rweight = rweight * rgamma
                              srad = srad * rgamma
                           CALL OA_BARN(1,rweight,srad,kexy,ncvals,
     +                               sinvls,clats,clons,gelt,geln,
     +                               coslt,cosstn,.TRUE.,.FALSE., 
     +                               isn, rgrid, ier)
                           CALL OA_SINT(1,ncvals,convals,srow,scol,
     +                          kex, key, rgrid, iextend, sinvls, rms, 
     +                          isn, ier)
                           write(*,*) 'Barnes Pass: ',npass
                           write(*,*) 'RMS: ',rms,
     +                                  ' Number of stations: ',isn
                           write(*,*) ' '
                        end do
                        gmax = RMISSD
                        gmin = RMISSD
                        do i=1,kex*key
                           if(rgrid(1,i).ne.RMISSD) then
                              if(gmax .eq. RMISSD) then
                                 gmax = rgrid(1,i)
                              else if (rgrid(1,i) .gt. gmax) then
                                 gmax = rgrid(1,i)
                              if(gmin .eq. RMISSD) then
                                 gmin = rgrid(1,i)
                              else if (rgrid(1,i) .lt. gmin) then
                                 gmin = rgrid(1,i)
                        end do
                        CALL IN_INTC(cintc,gmin,gmax,cints,ncint,crint,
     +                               cmin,cmax,ier)
                        CALL IN_LINE(linetyp,cints,ncint,
     +                               icolr,itype,iwidth,ilabel,
     +                               smooth,rfilter,ier)
                        CALL IN_CONT( contur, ier )
                        if(smooth .ne. 0.0) then
                           CALL GSSMTH ( 2, smooth, ier )
                        END IF
                        CALL GSRDUC ( rfilter, ier )
                        CALL GCLGRN(kex,key,rgrid,-iextend(1),
     +                          -iextend(2), 0,ncint, cints,icolr,itype,
     +                          iwidth,ilabel,ier)
                        IF  ( smooth .ne. 0.0 )  THEN
                            CALL GSSMTH ( 0, 0.0, ier )
                        END IF
                        CALL GSRDUC ( 0.0, ier )
                     end if
C*                   Draw color bar for first color-coded parameter.
                     ip = 1
                     DO WHILE ( ip .le. ncprm )
                         IF ( icolor (ip) .eq. (-1) ) THEN
                             CALL GG_CBAR ( clrbar, numccc (1 ) - 1, 
     +                                      ccvals, icclrs, ier )
                             ip = ncprm + 1
                             ip = ip + 1
                         END IF
                     END DO
C*                   Create and draw the title.
                     ipbar = INDEX ( title, '|' )
                     IF  ( ipbar .ne. 0 )  THEN
                        shrtin = title ( ipbar+1: )
                        IF  ( ipbar .eq. 1 )  THEN
                            ttlinp = ' '
                            ttlinp = title ( :ipbar-1 )
                        END IF
                        shrtin = ' '
                        ttlinp = title
                     END IF
C*                   Create the title string.
                     CALL IN_TITL ( ttlinp, -3, ititl, linttl,
     +                              ttlstr, ier )
                     ncttl = ncprm - iaddcl
                     DO ii = 1, ncttl
                        iscale (ii) = 0
                     END DO
                     IF  ( ititl .gt. 0 )  THEN
                        CALL GR_MTTL  ( ttlstr, '^ _', .false.,
     +                                  times (itime), ' ', .false.,
     +                                  0, -1, 0, ncttl, prcons,
     +                                  iscale, ' ', ttt, ier )
                        CALL GSCOLR  ( ititl, ier )
                        CALL GG_WSTR ( ttt, linttl, ier )
                     END IF
C*                   Create the short title string.
                     IF  ( clear )  THEN
                        CALL GR_MTTL  ( shrtin, 'SURFACE ^ #', .true.,
     +                                  times (itime), ' ', .false.,
     +                                  0, -1, 0, ncttl, prcons,
     +                                  iscale, area, shrttl, ier )
                        CALL GMESG ( shrttl, ier )
                     END IF
C*                   Flush the graphics buffer.
                     CALL GEPLOT  ( iret )
                 END DO
                 itime = itime + 1
                 IF  ( itime .gt. ntime ) proces = .false.
             END IF
           END DO
           CALL GENANM ( iret )
           CALL IP_DYNM  ( done, iret )
        END DO
        IF  ( iperr .ne. 0 )  CALL ER_WMSG  ( 'SFMAP', iperr, ' ', ier )
        CALL GENDP  ( 0, iret )
        CALL IP_EXIT  ( iret )
        SUBROUTINE OAGAGN  ( gltln, extend, deltax, deltay, datflg, 
     +                       grltln, eltln, iextnd, kx, ky, dltln, 
     +                       iret )
C* OAGAGN                                                               *
C*                                                                      *
C* This subroutine aligns the grid and extended areas on grid points.   *
C*                                                                      *
C*           IEXTND, KX, KY, DLTLN, IRET )                              *
C*                                                                      *
C* Input parameters:                                                    *
C*      GLTLN (4)       REAL            Input grid area                 *
C*      EXTEND          CHAR*           Input extend                    *
C*      DELTAX          REAL            X grid spacing                  *
C*      DELTAY          REAL            Y grid spacing                  *
C*      DATFLG          LOGICAL         Flag to compute data area       *
C*                                                                      *
C* Output parameters:                                                   *
C*      GRLTLN (4)      REAL            Actual grid area                *
C*      ELTLN (4)       REAL            Extended grid area              *
C*      IEXTND (4)      INTEGER         Extend grid numbers             *
C*      KX              INTEGER         Number of points in x           *
C*      KY              INTEGER         Number of points in y           *
C*      DLTLN (4)       REAL            Data area                       *
C*      IRET            INTEGER         Return code                     *
C*                                        0 = normal return             *
C*                                       -8 = invalid DELTAX/DELTAY     *
C**                                                                     *
C* Log:                                                                 *
C* M. desJardins/GSFC    8/85                                           *
C* M. desJardins/GSFC   11/88   GEMPAK 4.1                              *
C* K. Brill/NMC          9/90   Fix for 0-360 lon range                 *
        CHARACTER*(*)   extend
        REAL            gltln (4), grltln (4), eltln (4), dltln (4)
        REAL            deltax, deltay
        INTEGER         iextnd (4), kx, ky, iret
        LOGICAL         datflg
        iret = 0
C*      Check for valid deltax and deltay.
        IF  ( ( deltax .eq. 0. ) .or. ( deltay .eq. 0. ) )  THEN
            iret = -8
            CALL ER_WMSG  ( 'OAGRID', iret, ' ', ier )
        END IF
C*      Convert extend to integers.  Use a default of 2 if any numbers are
C*      missing.
        CALL ST_ILST  ( extend, ';', 2, 4, iextnd, n, ier )
        DO  i = 1, 4
            IF  ( iextnd (i) .lt. 0 )  iextnd (i) = 2
        END DO
C*      Compute the number of grid points in the x direction.
C*      Correct the northeast grid corner to lie on a grid line.
C*      Compute the longitude corners of the extended area.
        itst = IFIX ( gltln (4) - gltln (2) )
        nlon = IFIX ( ( gltln (4) - gltln (2) ) /deltax )
        IF ( itst .ne. 360 )  THEN
            kx   = nlon + 1
            kx   = nlon
        END IF
        grltln (2) = gltln (2)
        grltln (4) = grltln (2) + nlon * deltax
        IF ( itst .eq. 360 ) THEN
            iextnd (1) = 0
            iextnd (3) = 0
        END IF
        eltln  (2) = grltln (2) - iextnd (1) * deltax
        eltln  (4) = grltln (4) + iextnd (3) * deltax
C*      Do the same computations for the latitude.
        nlat = IFIX ( ( gltln (3) - gltln (1) ) / deltay )
        ky   = nlat + 1
        grltln (1) = gltln (1)
        grltln (3) = grltln (1) + nlat * deltay
        eltln  (1) = grltln (1) - iextnd (2) * deltay
        eltln  (3) = grltln (3) + iextnd (4) * deltay
        IF ( eltln (1) .lt. -90. ) eltln (1) = -90.
        IF ( eltln (3) .gt.  90. ) eltln (3) =  90.
C*      IF data area was not input by the user, use extended area.
        IF  ( .not. datflg )  THEN
            DO  i = 1, 4
                dltln (i) = eltln (i)
            END DO
        END IF