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Re: 20000124: gribtonc decoder

On Mon, 24 Jan 2000, Unidata Support wrote:

> >To: address@hidden
> >cc: address@hidden
> >From: "David J. Knight" <address@hidden>
> >Subject: gribtonc decoder
> >Organization: .
> >Keywords: 200001241809.LAA08729
> Hi,
> I'm trying to file grib products in netcdf format in prepration for
> testing the mettapps grid file veiwer. But it's not working for me...
> Here is my entry in pqact.conf:
> # file in netcdf format for metapps application testing
> HRS     ^[YZ].Q... KWB. ([0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9]).*/mETA
>         PIPE    /unidata/bin/gribtonc
>                 -v -l /nmc2/nmc2/gribtonc.log
>                 /unidata/ldm-5.0.8/etc/eta.cdl
>                 /nmc2/nmc2/(\1:yy)(\1:mm)\1\2_eta.nc
> HRS     ^[YZ].Q... KWB. ([0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9]).*/mETA
>         FILE    /nmc2/nmc2/(\1:yy)(\1:mm)\1\2_eta.netcdf
> These are the errors I'm getting:
> Jan 24 02:37:34 gribtonc[4136]: Starting Up
> Jan 24 02:37:34 gribtonc[4136]: can't run "ncgen -o


Yep, you need to have ncgen to run gribtonc.  If fact you need to install
NetCDF and udunits to build gribtonc. If you already have NetCDF and
udunits installed, then the $PATH variable needs to be able to find the
ncgen.  It's a good test to run gribtonc from the command line first,
catches many of the errors.  The NetCDF package is on our UPC home page,
the udunits package is with the NetCDF package.


> /nmc2/nmc2/00012400_eta.nc /
> unidata/ldm-5.0.8/etc/eta.cdl"
> Jan 24 02:37:34 gribtonc[4136]: can't create or size 0 output netCDF
> file /nmc2/
> nmc2/00012400_eta.nc, exiting
> Jan 24 02:37:34 gribtonc[4136]: Exiting
> Jan 24 02:37:34 gribtonc[4136]: 0 WMO msgs, 0 GRIBs decoded, 0 written
> It appears that the netcdf grid file cannot be created. I get the same
> error message when attempting to manually decode the grib file.
> I don't think it is a permission problem - there is no problem creating
> files in that directory.
> Is ncgen supposed to be a seperate executable? If so that might be the
> problem since I don't have it...
> I'm running ldm5.08 on Solaris2.6 with decoders-2.3.6.
> Can you help?
> Thanks
> David
> David Knight
> Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences   Tel: (518)-442-4204
> SUNYA   ES-228                                 Fax: (518)-442-4494
> Albany, NY  12222                              Email: address@hidden

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
address@hidden             WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/