So I guess they have a NF-OBS program in play...IDK...just guessing.MikeOn Mon, Nov 21, 2022 at 3:13 PM Boris A. Konon <address@hidden> wrote:I did a check today, and I still am seeing manually-taken METARsfor KSWF both on the AWC site:and on the NCEP FTP Server:It is possible that other data feeds that only the NWS/FAA sees provideadditional sites or types of METARs. Or it could be an oversight. AWOSMETARs for KSWF may be intended for NADIN distribution.BorisOn Mon, Nov 21, 2022 at 3:06 PM Michael Graf - NOAA Federal <address@hidden> wrote:Thanks Boris,The reason I asked is because I see that KSWF is being transmitted, ergo my question.Appreciate it,MikeOn Mon, Nov 21, 2022 at 3:01 PM Boris A. Konon <address@hidden> wrote:Mike,Good question!Any AWOS installed these days is non-Federal, so it is funded privatelyeither by the owner of an airport, a private company (such a hospitalfor their heliport), or the state. There are additional costs involved(1000s of dollars a year I believe) to establish longline communicationsto WSMCR and add these site to NADIN (National Airspace DataInterchange Network). This allows the site's METARs to be transmitted toNOAAPort, AIDAP (FAA line primarily for NOTAMs), and other aviationcommunication services.It is up to the owner of the AWOS to fund NADIN hook-up, and AWOSvendors always try to sell this service. Some AWOS upon commissiongimmediately have NADIN service paid for (KW40 was a recent example)so their METARs show up right away. Over the last 20 years or so,I have noticed more and more AWOS have been getting NADIN service,whether it be brand new sites, or sites that have been installed for years.Currently, I know of about 240 AWOS unit installed in the U.S., but do nothave NADIN service yet. There are likely several dozen more at least I do notknow of at any one time. The 240 number used to be a lot higher (~500)years ago.As to when new sites show up? There is no centralized site or agencythat tracks this that I know of. It is just a matter of scanning METARcollectives and flagging the new sites with a program.Additions to NADIN are usually on a Tue or Thu, often in the 28 and 56day FAA database update cycle, but I have seen additions every day ofthe week.For international new METAR sites, often I see additions on the 1st ofthe month and that is seperate from the NADIN process, and more tiedto what is distributed on GTS and what a country chooses to add. Thereare many, many more METAR, and TAF and SYNOP sites for that matter,that exist all over the world that we do not see on NOAAPort for anynumber of reasons, but with time, more and more have been added. esp.SYNOP sites.BorisOn Mon, Nov 21, 2022 at 1:19 PM Michael Graf - NOAA Federal <address@hidden> wrote:Afternoon Boris...what's this mean? "just do nothave NADIN service at this time."Thanks,MikeOn Mon, Nov 21, 2022 at 1:00 PM Boris A. Konon <address@hidden> wrote:_______________________________________________Some of these already have AWOS units installed, but just do nothave NADIN service at this time.KASG KBAK KBCT KBYH KCHD KCNW KDPG KEFD KEMT KEVB
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SSMC-2 Station 13314
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SSMC-2 Station 13314
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