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[Datastream #LLB-351971]: Question about FNEXRAD datasets

Hi Munsung,

> Now, I am looking at the DHR products which are provided with a GINI format.
> When I look at the data, I realized that the variable values (reflectivity, 
> dBZ)
> are unreasonable.

In what way?

I just run a few point comparisons of indicated reflectivity values at several
locations in northern Kentucky and southern Indiana for the 15 UTC N0R and DHR
national composites, and the comparisons I see appear reasonable.

> I think they may be a converted value, so to get a true value, I need to
> reconvert it.

I am not sure what you mean by "converted value".  Can you explain?

> However, I couldn't find any information on that.
> Could you share your idea on this problem?

I am uncertain about what you are seeing, so making any comments would
be premature.


- what software are you using to extract calibrated values from the
  N0R and DHR images?

  I was doing my comparisons in McIDAS, and the few points I compared (made
  at locations of relatively high(er) reflectivities) seemed reasonable.


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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: LLB-351971
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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