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[Datastream #PEE-500856]: Possible way to access GOES-14 data

Hi Sandra,

> thanks for your prompt reply.

No worries.

> In the framework  of the European Copernicus service we are producing
> Fire products using the GOES-E & -W data for the Global Fire
> Assimilation System that delivers near-real-time emissions of gases and
> aerosols.
> The main issue we are facing now is that we are not yet ready to process
> GOES-16 - we still need to tune the products algorithms. Thus we are
> assessing the possibility of using the spare satellite of the GOES-N
> series to avoid a service discontinuity.
> Actually I was hopping that the GOES-14 satellite worked as a hot-backup
> and not cold-backup as it seems it is from your reply - those are really
> bad news for us :-(

In case you haven't already seen the plan for GOES-16's transitioning to
become GOES-East and the role that GOES-14 will play in this transition,
here is the announcement from NOAA:

 "Details/Specifics of Change: The GOES-16 drift and transition plan is now
  available. GOES-16 will begin drifting to its final operational location
  of 75.2 degrees West on November 30, 2017 at 1800 UTC. It will complete
  drift on December 11, 2017, a rate of 1.41 degrees per day and will resume
  nominal operations on December 14, 2017. During the drift period, five
  instruments (ABI, GLM, SUVI, SEISS, and EXIS) will be placed in safe or
  diagnostic modes and will not be capturing or distributing data. GRB,
  DCS, HRIT/EMWIN, and SARSAT will be disabled during drift. This is due
  to X-band radiofrequency downlink interference. Only MAG will continue
  to operate with nominal data distribution. 

  On December 7, 2017 GOES-13 GVAR will begin relay through GOES-14 and
  will be available through both satellites until December 14, 2017 at
  which time GOES-13 GVAR will only be transmitted through GOES-14. GOES-13
  GVAR users will need to repoint their antennas to 105 degrees West to
  maintain receipt of GOES-13 data. Once GOES-16 reaches 75.2 degrees West
  on December 11, 2017, there will be three days of calibration activity.
  All instruments will resume nominal operations on December 14, 2017 and
  GOES-16 will officially become GOES-East. There will be a three week
  period of overlap with GOES-13, which will remain at 75 degrees West,
  after GOES-16 becomes GOES-East. GOES-13 will remain on and provide data
  until January 2, 2018 at which time it will begin drifting to its storage
  location at 60 degrees West. During this period of overlap, GOES-13 GVAR
  will be relayed through GOES-14. Additional information will be communicated
  as needed.

  Key points:

    November 30, 2017 GOES-16 drift begins 1800 UTC  
    December 7, 2017 GOES-13 GVAR relay through GOES-14 begins 
    December 11, 2017 GOES-16 drift ends 
    During drift, no instrument data will be captured or distributed from ABI,
      GLM, EXIS, SUVI, and SEISS. MAG data will still be distributed.
    During drift, GRB, DCS, HRIT/EMWIN, and SARSAT will be disabled
    December 14, 2017 GOES-16 resumes nominal operations and GOES-East 
      status after calibration activities 
    December 14, 2017 GOES-13 GVAR available only through GOES-14 
    No maneuvers / special operations during Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays
    No GOES-East transition / interruption during designated Critical Weather 
    January 2, 2018 GOES-13 will stop transmitting data 
    January 22, 2018 GOES-13 will reach storage location at 60 degrees West     

  Important information regarding GOES-16 and other satellite operations
  is provided by NESDIS through  Environmental Satellite Processing Center
  (ESPC) Notifications. To subscribe to the ESPC Notifications please contact
  the ESPC Help Desk at address@hidden.

  NOAA's GOES-16 satellite has not been declared operational and its data are
  preliminary and undergoing testing. Users receiving these data through any
  dissemination means  (including, but not limited to, PDA and GRB) assume all
  risk related to their use of GOES-16 data and NOAA disclaims any and all
  warranties, whether express or implied, including (without limitation) any
  implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose."

We plan to re-point our current GOES-East dish to GOES-14 so that we continue
to get GOES-13 data for as along as it is available.  After that, all of the
satellite imagery we make available with be converted to contain GOES-16
where GOES-13 is now used.

> Thanks a lot for your concern.

No worries.


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: PEE-500856
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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