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Re: NEXRAD Level II Maintenance Notification - Thursday January 7th, 2016 (ROC)


I just checked out of band access and all three items you listed below have been verified.



On 1/7/2016 12:38 PM, Donald Horvat - NOAA Affiliate wrote:
To the user community:  Activity complete.

To OPSNet & TG - Please keep the TOC ticket open till OPSNet Enterprise management is confirmed.

1) Out of band dial access needs to be checked.
2) Router console access needs to be confirmed.
3) Remote Power Administration needs to be verified.

I will contact OPSNet this afternoon to verify these to close the ticket.

Thank you...


On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 4:17 PM, Donald J Horvat - NOAA Affiliate <address@hidden> wrote:
Radar Operations Center Engineering will be performing routine maintenance activities to the ROC portion of the Level II Network.  The activity is a complete re-rack NL2 servers and networking hardware in the ROC Level II cluster.
 Start Time: 8:30 AM (Central time)
 Duration: 4 Hours
 Event: Re-rack ROC NL2 servers and networking hardware in the ROC Level II cluster.
 The activity will take about 4 hours to complete and will effect Data flow of the "Alternate Level II Path" for up to 4 hours.  (RDS Path)
 The Primary Data Path via the TOC servers is not part of this activity.
 All system upgrades are subject to NCEP Critical Weather Day notification.
 If there is any emergency noted during this event, I can be reached via the ROC NEXRAD Hotline or at (405) 820-3646

*Donald J. Horvat               *  ____                              *
*                               * /    \     _____     _______  _____*
*Sr. Systems Engineer           *(      )   / ___  )  / ___  / / ___/*
* Support Contractor            * \____/   / /__/ /  / /  / / / /    *
*WSR-88D Radar Operations Center*  |\/|   / ___  <  / /  / / / /     *
*                               *  |/\|  / /   / / / /__/ / / /___   *
*1313 Halley Circle             *  |\/| /_/   /_/ /______/ /_____/   *
*Norman, OK 73069               *  |/\|                              *
*                               *   WSR-88D RADAR OPERATIONS CENTER  *
*Phone: (405) 573-3418          * e-mail: address@hidden   *
*FAX:   (405) 573-3340          *                                    *


*Donald J. Horvat               *  ____                              *
*                               * /    \     _____     _______  _____*
*Sr. Systems Engineer           *(      )   / ___  )  / ___  / / ___/*
Support Contractor            * \____/   / /__/ /  / /  / / / /    *
*WSR-88D Radar Operations Center*  |\/|   / ___  <  / /  / / / /     *
*                               *  |/\|  / /   / / / /__/ / / /___   *
*1313 Halley Circle             *  |\/| /_/   /_/ /______/ /_____/   *
*Norman, OK 73069               *  |/\|                              *
*                               *   WSR-88D RADAR OPERATIONS CENTER  *
*Phone: (405) 573-3418          * e-mail: address@hidden   *
*FAX:   (405) 573-3340          *                                    *

Jim Huang
NCEP Central Operations
NCO, Silver Spring
Shared Infrastructure Services Branch
Network Engineer
Gama-1 Technologies
Office: 301.427.9584 
Mobile: 202.239.9734 
Email: address@hidden

OPSnet Network Operations Center
1.888.NOAANET (662.2638)
Email: address@hidden