Hi everyone,There will be another outage of the experimental MRMS products today due to more electrical work. The availability of mirrored operational products via NSSL will also be affected.Thanks,CarrieOn Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 11:06 AM, Carrie Langston - NOAA Affiliate <address@hidden> wrote:Hi everyone,The National Weather Center will undergo planned electrical work over the next couple of weeks that will result in power outages in our machine room. As a result, there will be outages of the experimental NSSL MRMS products.The first MRMS outage will start the morning of Monday March 30, 2015 with 24-hours reserved to complete the work. Based on the current schedule, there will be 2 more days with possible outages stretching into the week of April 6th. I'll send follow-up email as those days approach.Thank you,Carrie Langston--------------------------------------------------------------
Carrie Langston
National Weather Center Tel: 405-325-6473
120 David L. Boren Blvd
Norman, OK 73072