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[Datastream #SXB-674928]: GOES East West imagery...

Hi Gilles,

> We had a long week-end here but I still tried to figure out a way to get
> what we need, I think I got something, please see below


re: it seems that you are using the IDV
> Once again you're right, with my students we use IDV for display using
> GEMPAK plugin


This brings to the front two comments:

- one could load the GOES East and West sectors for the same time
  (the times will actually be 15 minutes different since the scanning
  schedule for each GOES is different) into the same view and then
  essentially have a composite view

  These views would, of course, not be the same as it is with the
  pre-generated composites, but they would represent higher resolution

- if you/your student needs to be able to get the calibrated value
  from the images (meaning temperature for IR images), then you will
  not be able to do this with the IDV when the data are local

  The ADDE server (part of McIDAS-X) that you are currently contacting
  to load the East/West composites knows how to provide calibrated values
  back to the calling application.


  - do you need calibrated values, or are you just concerned with
    pattern movement (e.g., movement of clouds)?

  If you need calibrated values, you have two options:

  1) install McIDAS-X on a machine and serve the data via ADDE

     This is the option that I prefer, but it would be good if the
     machine on which McIDAS-X is installed is available for the
     long term (this relates to comments you make further on in your

> One colleague with who I am working on another project works at the
> computer and data center of the university
> It seems that is a server which is not used right now on which we could
> build a virtual machine (with ubuntu as an OS for example).

OK.  We tend to prefer RedHat variants of Linux (e.g., Fedora, CentOS, etc.),
but Ubuntu would work fine.

> He would just need to know what are the characteristics of the virtual
> machine we would need (RAM, memory space...)

My McIDAS-X development environment is a 64-bit CentOS 6.6 virtual machine
that has 2 GB of RAM that is running in VMware Player.  A virtual machine
like this would work very nicely for your needs.

> and to know how long we would
> need this machine for (to rebuilt the IR composite imagery for the
> mentioned days).

This is the comment that I was referring to in my comment above.  It would
be easiest if you had a machine/virtual machine that would be available
for more than a short period of time.  If the objective would be to run
McIDAS-X for just as long as needed to create the same composites as you
are using now, then the length of time needed depends how long it would
take to get the compositing procedure running; how long it would
take to create each composite; and then how long it would take to move
the composites to a place that they can be stored long term.

re: qualifications needed to get Unidata McIDAS-X

> Restricted use of license is understandable.

Yes, SSEC developed McIDAS, and they need to control its use since their
funding model for the package is from annual fees paid to be members in
good standing of the McIDAS User's Group (MUG).  The one year MUG cost
for one or two workstations is $8,790 in calendar year 2015.  We pay
the license fee for 6 or more workstations and the right to redistribute
the package to university users.

> I use the present email address (address@hidden) to login on UNIDATA
> website and download and update IDV when needed. I guess this one would be
> fine.


> My goal is here to help my student to learn to use IDV and IR imagery to
> identify specific atmospheric phenomenon and accomplish her degree; the use
> of McIDAS is to be able to rebuilt the IR composite satellite imagery that
> she will need to accomplish her work, so my guess is that we fulfill the
> license requirements mentioned below to which I agree (should it be printed
> out and signed or via email is fine?).

A fed comments are in order:

- yes, I think that you easily meet the requirements to be able to download
  and use Unidata McIDAS-X

  I can help you download, build, install and configure McIDAS-X since 
  and support of McIDAS is my primary responsibility.

- once McIDAS-X is installed and running on a (virtual) machine at your
  university, I can help get the compositing working

  This should be straightforward.

- using McIDAS-X to serve the data is the best option for using them
  imagery in the IDV as it allows one to do displays of calibrated
  data (e.g., temperatures for IR imagery)

- the use of IR composites directly in the IDV (e.g., if the AREA files
  containing the composite images are accessed through the file system)
  is useful, but it does not provide access to calibrated values

  McIDAS-V, on the other hand, _does_ provide this capability because
  the folks at UW/SSEC bundle the ADDE servers with McIDAS-V, and one
  can then setup ADDE datasets in McIDAS-V and get displays of
  calibrated data.  This is an important thing to be aware of!  But,
  McIDAS-V has not (yet) adopted all of the changes that have been
  implemented in the IDV (e.g., progressive resolution of data).

> >Given the above position, we need a clear statement from you that specifies
> >_all_ of the following:
> >- you are accessing McIDAS from Unidata for use in a university;
> >please provide the name of the department and university that the download
> > is intended for
> Facultad de Ciencias
> Universidad de Colima
> Colima, Mexico
> >- McIDAS must be used for academic classroom instruction or academic
> > research by students related to obtaining a degree
> McIDAS will be used for academic instruction and academic research with one
> of my students to obtain her degree
> >- your installation of McIDAS is not for use by a government agency,
> > non-academic research institute, or private concern
> It is correct.
> >- you agree that you will not re-distribute any portion of the software
> I agree,
> >I apologize for the difficulty in getting access to Unidata McIDAS-X,
> >but our hands are tied by our licensing restrictions.
> It is totally fine and understandable,
> Please let me know if the above is the correct way to do it,

Your responses to the conditions listed above are what I needed.  I will
enable you (address@hidden) to download Unidata McIDAS-X.

Now, you need to do several things:

- identify a machine/virtual machine on which McIDAS-X can be run

- download Unidata McIDAS-X

  I will have your access allowed by the end of the day today.

- request the data from the Unidata-Wisconsin archive that you need for
  your (your student's) study


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: SXB-674928
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed