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Re: IP changing for MRMS at NSSL

Hi everyone,

The network changes at the National Weather Center are ongoing.  As a result, MRMS is not 100% functional and there are continuing problems for those trying to connect to the MRMS LDM/HTTP data server.  At this time there is no estimate for when connectivity will return to normal, but you should expect problems throughout the weekend.  

I'll send another update when I know more.  Our apologizes for the extended outage.


On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 10:23 AM, Carrie Langston - NOAA Affiliate <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi everyone,

The following changes to the research MRMS system at NSSL will affect all LDM and HTTP data service users.  The MRMS QVS (http://mrms.ou.edu or http://nmq.ou.edu) will remain unchanged.

Late on Friday Sept 19th, 2014 the IP for the MRMS data server will change from to 

At that time, NSSL's network will be moved behind the Trusted Internet Connection (TIC) in Boulder, CO, and all external IPs will change.  There will be a network outage during the changeover that may last for a few hours.  We apologize for the short notice and the poor timing of this change.  It's mandated by NOAA, and we've no say in the matter.

Depending on your method of transfer, you may need to add the new IP to your firewall policy, add a new request to your LDM config, and/or adjust any processes using the HTTP data service.  The switch to the TIC will be a hard change so we are recommending that you run both old and new configurations until the switch is deemed successful.  I will send a follow-up email at that time.

As mentioned before, the timing of this change is unfortunate.  Starting in October, MRMS will be operational at NCEP, and we will be asking users to use it as their source for data.  That will entail yet another round of IP changes among other things.  There will be an overlap period of 2-3 months between the start of operations and termination of the research feed.  There will be a formal announcement about this later, but I wanted to provide some advance notice now. 

Carrie Langston

Carrie Langston
National Weather Center             Tel: 405-325-6473
120 David L. Boren Blvd
Norman, OK 73072