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GSD storage maintenance - 11/6/12, 8:30am
- Subject: GSD storage maintenance - 11/6/12, 8:30am
- Date: Thu, 01 Nov 2012 15:54:19 -0600
Hi all-data-users,
GSD will be performing storage maintenance on its data acquisition
cluster from 8:30am to 10:30am MST, 11/6/2012.
Data flow within the GSD Central Facility will be affected during
the maintenance period. We expect gaps in some Central Facility
(/public, eldm, and gsdftp) data sets, although data that are acquired
via LDM, ftp, or other transport methods may just be delayed, and
largely back-filled when the maintenance is completed.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact
the Systems Support Group at 303-497-6887 or
ESRL/GSD/ITS/Systems Support Group
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Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2012 13:31:25 -0700
From: Systems Support Group <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: GSD storage maintenance - 11/6/12, 8:30am
To: _OAR ESRL GSD All Data Users <address@hidden>
Cc: GSD Computer Operations <address@hidden>
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GSD storage maintenance has been completed. Thanks!
> Hi all-data-users,
> GSD will be performing storage maintenance on its data acquisition
> cluster from 8:30am to 10:30am MST, 11/6/2012.
> Data flow within the GSD Central Facility will be affected during
> the maintenance period. We expect gaps in some Central Facility
> (/public, eldm, and gsdftp) data sets, although data that are acquired
> via LDM, ftp, or other transport methods may just be delayed, and
> largely back-filled when the maintenance is completed.
> If you have any questions or concerns, please contact
> the Systems Support Group at 303-497-6887 or
> address@hidden
> ESRL/GSD/ITS/Systems Support Group