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[Datastream #HJY-878726]: NDFD files #197 and #255

Hi Kevin,

> I was just looking more closely at the NDFD files that look like they
> are attached to Process ID 197 and 255 on the NGRID feed.

As far as I know, the process ID is not part of the LDM/IDD Product ID
that is created for the NOAAPort GRIB/GRIB2 products processed by
our NOAAPort ingest package.

> However, when I analyze these files with the wgrib2 utility (wgrib2
> -processid <NDFD file>), it says that the process ID for both the 197
> and 255 files is 183.
> What are the #197 and #255 referring to?

I dug through the code (which was written at NCEP for GEMPAK) and found
that this part of the Product ID is the "Source of grid definition (see
Code Table 3.0)".  A Google search for "Code Table 3.0" returned:


which is what I was looking for: Source of Grid Definition.  Interestingly,
values in the range 192-254 are indicated as being Reserved for Local Use
which would suggest that NCEP would have its own version of Code Table 3,
but I was unable to find such a thing.

> Thanks!

No worries.


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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: HJY-878726
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed