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[Datastream #FSD-329281]: GPI data

Hi Ana,

> I am using the 1998 GPI 1 x 1 degree global daily dataset.
> In the README does not exist the information if these data are daily
> accumulate or daily mean. And if it is accumulated, from what hour to
> what hour is the accumulation? from 12Z to 12Z or from 00Z to 00Z?

I would guess that the data is 3-hour precipitation values in
a 1x1 degree box where the day is from 0Z to 23:59:59Z, but I am
not 100% sure.  I base my guess on the AMS 2001 paper by Huffman,
et. al.:


Can you tell us where you got this particular dataset (e.g., URL for
FTP or OPeNDAP site, etc.)?  It would help trace down some additional

> Thank you for the attention!

No worries.


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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: FSD-329281
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed