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IP address change to the NMQ data server

Dear All,

  The NMQ server will be moved to a new subnet tomorrow (8/23, Thur).  The
new IP address for the NMQ data server will be "" instead of

  For those who are using the LDM to get data from us, please duplicate the
current request line(s) with "" in your ldmd.conf file, and
replace "" with "".  Then run "ldmadmin restart".

  For those who are using ftp to get data from us, please add
in your script.

  The subnet switching should be done very quickly.  Once the subnet
switching is completed, we'll inform everyone and you can then remove the
old IP "" from your ldmd.conf or ftp script.

  The NMQ product website (www.nmq.nssl.noaa.gov) will be temporarily
inaccessible because of the switch.

  Please let us know if you have any questions regarding this IP change.

Jian Zhang

Jian Zhang,  Ph.D.
Research Scientist
National Weather Center             Tel: 405-325-6485
120 David L. Boren Blvd             Fax: 405-325-6780
Norman, OK73072                     Email: address@hidden

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Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 17:17:20 -0500
From: jian zhang <address@hidden>
Subject: DONE - IP address change to the NMQ data server
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  This is a notice that the subnet switch for the NMQ data server is done.
You may remove the old IP address ( from your ldm.conf and ftp
scripts.  If there would be any questions, please let us know.

Jian Zhang

On 8/22/07 5:15 PM, "jian  zhang" <address@hidden> wrote:

> Dear All,
>   The NMQ server will be moved to a new subnet tomorrow (8/23, Thur).  The new
> IP address for the NMQ data server will be "" instead of
> "". 
>   For those who are using the LDM to get data from us, please duplicate the
> current request line(s) with "" in your ldmd.conf file, and
> replace "" with "".  Then run "ldmadmin restart".
>   For those who are using ftp to get data from us, please add
> in your script.
>   The subnet switching should be done very quickly.  Once the subnet switching
> is completed, we'll inform everyone and you can then remove the old IP
> "" from your ldmd.conf or ftp script.
>   The NMQ product website (www.nmq.nssl.noaa.gov) will be temporarily
> inaccessible because of the switch.
>   Please let us know if you have any questions regarding this IP change.
> Thanks,
> Jian Zhang
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Jian Zhang,  Ph.D.
> Research Scientist
> National Weather Center             Tel: 405-325-6485
> 120 David L. Boren Blvd             Fax: 405-325-6780
> Norman, OK73072                     Email: address@hidden