Hi Tom et al.,
It looks like I did get the email, but now that the junk filters are
relaxed more junk is coming in too! )-:
Here's where we stand.
The USPLN was developed by a company named TOA working with WDT (in
OK). They appear to have had a marital spat and have worked towards a
divorce agreement. I have been told that instead of working with WDT
people that I will now work with TOA folks. Meanwhile WSI is about to
become a "partner" with TOA in the USPLN. I am hoping to have the
agreement in place to begin the feed on June 1st. We think that is
The responses to the data questions below were less than what I had
hoped for, but it seemed to come from someone who told someone
something rather than right from a person of knowledge. (The reply
came from someone in WDT who didn't seem to really understand the
questions.) The issue of the data coming in the "wrong" data block
(old data in this minute's block) was attributed to having latency in
the transmission of the data from the sensors. I'd like to look at
the statistics about this to see if the data are always from the end
of the previous minute or not ....
As for the data processing of CONUS vs. non-CONUS data, I did not get
a satisfactory response. I'm hoping to have a conversation with one
of the engineers at TOA next week about this issue.
We have developed a web registration form for the data subscription
process. The backside of the form is being written now (to actually
but the data into a file/database), and I expect to have all of this
ready to show for our meeting. (Perhaps have the Usercomm folks all
subscribe as a test of our system.)
Sorry again for not getting back to these questions sooner. I'll be
done with classes and finals by next Wednesday and I'll have much more
time to focus on these items at that point.
Looking forward to seeing everyone in a couple of weeks!
PS Nice plot!
On 04/23/07 18:13, Unidata Datastream Support wrote:
Hi again Chris,
I am concerned that you are not receiving emails from Unidata...
Late last week I sent you a note regarding adding IDD distribution of
USPLN lightning data as an agenda item for the upcoming Unidata User's
Committee meeting.
If you recall, there were some outstanding issues that need to be acted on:
- removing Unidata references from the USPLN licensing agreement
- the processing of flash events over the CONUS (20N-50N, and west of 65W) is
apparently different than outside of this area
- the flash events received in the LDM feed are not monotonically increasing
in time
I am wondering if you have had time to check into these items, and if yes, what
the results are.
As a teaser, I have included a plot of all USPLN flashes received in the IDD
EXP feed from ERAU to Unidata for Sunday, April 22 color coded by hour UTC.
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage http://www.unidata.ucar.edu
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: TVM-187420
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
Dr. Christopher G. Herbster
Associate Professor
Director of Science and Technology
for the ERAU Weather Center
Applied Aviation Sciences
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ.
600 S. Clyde Morris Blvd.
Daytona Beach, FL 32114-3900
386.226.6444 Office
386.226.6446 Weather Center