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Re: Contact at NWS Gateway


Have you guys had a chance to look into the issues that we discussed about the erroneous Canadian data?

Wayne Gibson
Senior Research Assistant
Oregon State University

Web Site: http://www.ocs.oregonstate.edu/prism
Office: 541.737.5696

----- Original Message ----- From: "Allan Darling" <address@hidden>
To: "Wayne Gibson" <address@hidden>
Cc: "Paul Noonan" <address@hidden>; "Walter Smith" <address@hidden>; "Linda Miller" <address@hidden>; "Fred Branski" <address@hidden>; "Unidata Support" <address@hidden>
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2007 8:25 AM
Subject: Re: Contact at NWS Gateway


Yes, samples of products with suspected problems would be the starting point for our investigation. Please send any examples you have. More current data is better.


Wayne Gibson wrote:

Sorry to have bothered you when you're away.

Walter and Allan, would you like me to provide some specific examples?

Wayne Gibson
Senior Research Assistant
Oregon State University

Web Site: http://www.ocs.oregonstate.edu/prism
Office: 541.737.5696

----- Original Message ----- From: "Fred Branski" <address@hidden>
To: "Linda Miller" <address@hidden>; "Allan Darling" <address@hidden>; "Walter Smith" <address@hidden>; "Paul Noonan" <address@hidden> Cc: "Wayne Gibson" <address@hidden>; "Unidata Support" <address@hidden>
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2007 11:54 AM
Subject: Re: Contact at NWS Gateway

Wayne and Linda,

Wayne is correct we receive Canadian SA data in both METAR and AIRWAYs
formats.  both are made available in their native format and the
Canadian Airways reports along with a few remaining U.S. reports in
AIRWAYs code are converted to METAR here at the NWSTG. We are aware of
some translation problems which have been corrected.  I'm not completely
sure if all the problems we were aware of fixed.  It is also possible
Wayne has identified a different problem.

Wayne should pass the details to Walter Smith and Allan Darling.
Allan's branch is responsible for the software and Walter for Data

Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner but I'm out of the office.

Cheers, Fred

Linda Miller wrote:
Hi Wayne,

FYI-Joe Irwin's email bounced. I believe he retired and I forgot about that, so we'll hope that Fred will get back to you on this question.

Thanks again,


Wayne Gibson wrote:

That is a good question. If issued by the CWAO office, then the format is standard airways (SA) and the precipitation is correct. If issued by KWBC, then the format is METAR and the precipitation is incorrect. As another check, the METAR format can't be correct as the monthly precipitation totals for many of the Canadian sites starting in April 2006 are very low (2-11 mm) and those values are not realistic.

Thanks for tending to this quickly.


- Wayne Gibson                                   -
- Senior Research Assistant                      -
- Oregon State University                        -
- Spatial Climate Analysis Service               -
-                                                -
- Email: address@hidden             -
- Web Site: http://www.ocs.oregonstate.edu/prism -
- Web Site: http://www.ocs.oregonstate.edu       -
- Voice: 541.737.5696                            -
On Wed, 10 Jan 2007, Linda Miller wrote:

Hi Wayne,

I've copied two people at the NWS, but when I read your email, I wondered if this is happening on the Canadian side or at the NWSTG. In any event, hopefully either Fred or Joe will get back to you.



Wayne Gibson wrote:

Good morning.

Recently I was looking at some Canadian surface data that we receive via LDM. Apparently it is received in both SA (standard airways) amd METAR format. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the SA data is converted to METAR format at the NWSTG and retransmitted. In that process, precipitation is not being converted correctly. Do you know the appropriate contact at the NWS that would be responsible for the conversion process? I'd like to start a dialogue and see if the problem can be fixed.



- Wayne Gibson                                   -
- Senior Research Assistant                      -
- Oregon State University                        -
- Spatial Climate Analysis Service               -
-                                                -
- Email: address@hidden             -
- Web Site: http://www.ocs.oregonstate.edu/prism -
- Web Site: http://www.ocs.oregonstate.edu       -
- Voice: 541.737.5696                            -

Linda Miller - address@hidden
Community Services, Unidata
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000
303-497-8646 fax: 303-497-8690

  Fred Branski, Operations Support, Performance Monitoring &
Data Management Branch, W/CIO11
                RTH Washington
                U.S. National Weather Service
                Office of the Chief Information Officer
                Telecommunication Operations Center

  Phone:       +301 713 0864 Ext. 146      Fax:  +301 713 1409
  Cell/Pager:  +240 355 4468
  E-mail:      address@hidden

Allan Darling
Chief, Telecommunication Software Branch
NOAA's National Weather Service, OCIO/TOC
(301)713-0882 x114
