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20040317: Re: West Texas Mesonet Data

Hi Bruce,

Steve Chiswell forwarded your message on the 10th, and the first thing I want to do is offer my sincere apology for not responding sooner. We've had Users Committee meetings, etc., here in Boulder, and things tend to get backed up during that time.

We discussed this proposal, and it was suggested that perhaps you would want to consider adding the Texas Mesonet to the mesonetworks that Forecast Systems Laboratory (FSL) makes available via the MADIS system. See: <http://www-sdd.fsl.noaa.gov/MADIS/> The system is available to all, and has a myriad of mesonets and other data available. You might consider contacting Patty Miller, 303-497-6365, address@hidden I'm sure she would be very interested in working with you to make the mesonet data broadly available, if so desired.

It sounds like you are already making the data available to several sites, via LDM, but the MADIS system does use LDM technology too. If you prefer to continue making the data available yourself, we could send out a note from you to the allcommunity email list to assist you in advertising the data, but you would need to consider the topology, etc. Unidata support would assist you with topology considerations, but the onus would be on your to provide the data and set up for making the data available. We have assisted Fleet Numerical with COAMPS and NOGAPS data availability to the community, via LDM, from their site. They monitor the sites who want the data and make it available from their site in Monterey.

Please let us know what we can do to help you.




We've been shipping out our mesonet data on LDM to several users for a
while now... including NCAR.  I was talking to a LDM/GEMPAK user at U.
of Nebraska and he inquired as to why West Texas Mesonet (WTM) data
isn't part of Unidata's regular feed.  I didn't have an answer for him
other than I've never asked Unidata to make it part of their regular
feed.  So with that in mind, does WTM data need to be a part of
Unidata's regular feed??  That's ok by me.  I have been content with
just setting up individual feeds from our box as the requests come in.
We are feeding seven machines as I write this with the potential to add
an eighth machine later today.

I guess what I'm really asking about is Unidata's policy wrt to feeding
mesonet data as part of their regular feed... or even if it's a
necessity.  We use the EXP feedtype.


Bruce Haynie                    eml: address@hidden
Research Associate              phn: 806-885-4644 x224
West TX MesoNet                 fax: 806-885-4468

Linda Miller - address@hidden
External Liaison, Unidata
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000
303-497-8646 fax: 303-497-8690